C'mon Straya - you know you want one.

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Maybe they could get this bloke to act as there marketing director....its not like any poor people are going to buy it..
sponge said:
The kitten costs another $1,387.
I can go to the mad Cat Lady here and get one chipped & wormed for $30...

I dont see the value of a $1,387 Kitten....sorry...but I just dont...
You've got a better cat lady than I do..

WW-Kittens are a thing of beauty, simplicity and affordability.

Or so Roger tells me..
Definitely the product for the retired - they should be selling these units at Caravan shops instead.
panzerd18 said:
Why are there some people on this forum that are trying to push this product? Its pretty obvious whats going on.
So what's going on then?

I think you will find that roger mellie is just having a laugh at the expense of everyone who took the bait.

Smart man he is...
The enjoyment of people laughing at roger mellie exceeds the amount he is getting from his negative trolling...
Just thought we'd weigh in, as we've been thrown into the mix with Harvey Norman and other WW sellers.

Just for the record, we're not a stockist of the WW machine or affiliated with them at all, and we don't have any plans to be. They have a certain novelty to them, but for the price point, yikes! I'll stick to my ferment fridge and corny kegs.

We did get a couple of their beer kits to see if anyone was interested (6 kits in total). I actually brewed one of the Irish Red Ale kits myself, and for a kit beer it wasn't too bad at all, although it could've benefitted from some steeped crystal and dry hopping - like any concentrate kit, so nothing too stand out there. We still have most of those kits left though, so it's pretty clear there's not too much interest in them. I'll probably just brew them myself at some point.

Yob, those fermenter taps actually had the wrong image on our website (our bad!) and that's not the one we sell for $4.50. I've updated the picture on our website. It's actually a proper HDPE tap, the same as what you'd find at most other home brew shops for between $3 and $5. Hope that hasn't given you the wrong idea about our pricing. Whenever we get products in, we always try to keep prices comparable with other retailers.

Anyway, just wanted to try to set the record straight - we're not a seller of the WilliamsWarn machines and we've never tried to push people in their direction, or to buy any pricey equipment that they don't need.
Florian said:
So what's going on then?

I think you will find that roger mellie is just having a laugh at the expense of everyone who took the bait.

Smart man he is...
Yeah, but no. I think he is serious about liking the product.

Smart man he is not, or maybe... Nah, he's serious

Not as if it sounds cute, like rice gulls.
thehopandgrain said:
Anyway, just wanted to try to set the record straight - we're not a seller of the WilliamsWarn machines and we've never tried to push people in their direction, or to buy any pricey equipment that they don't need.
Well, isn't that a little embarrassing for the "look at all these peeps who will be pimping it" brigade...
Les the Weizguy said:
Yeah, but no. I think he is serious about liking the product.

Smart man he is not, or maybe... Nah, he's serious

Not as if it sounds cute, like rice gulls.
yes, he is serious about liking it, he owns one himself. doesn't mean he can't throw some bait around as he exactly knows the very predictable outcome on this forum.

if you read some of his previous posts you might indeed come to the conclusion that he is far from the dumbest homebrewer around. Far from it.
@ thehopandgrian

All good, wasn't meaning to single you out at all, glad you could clear the issue up for the sales reps on the forum and set the matter straight.
nice fermenter.. buntings has a similar one for $23 :kooi:
If you welded $4k worth of big w stockpots and some tubing together, you'd make a budget williamswarn clone and still have cash left over for a second hand BM
Fellow Beer Lovers

No not a retailer

Humble apologies for the troll - couldn't resist. But jeepers you blokes are good for a wind up - you are all missing the point - that Elz made so succinctly - its a good work horse - it does what it says on the tin - brews wort into beer.

I have (probably like a few other here) spent a small fortune on Golf clubs/cricket bats/fishing rods/boats etc... over the years that a 6K purchase that will last until the bastard medics tell me to stop drinking or I curl my toes up - (whichever comes first) - so in my world that justifies this purchase as a good investment.

Indeed I wish I was sitting at home playing with my shiny WW - alas for my sins I am banished to the surat basin probably until November. There will be some power brewing before Xmas I tell ya.

So come on guys seriously - 50 months interest free - blah blah blah...


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