C'mon Straya - you know you want one.

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sp0rk said:
I think that's the point a lot of us aren't getting, this isn't a wort production machine
It's a fermenter/serving device
Still wouldn't buy one though...
I guess... but they still add malt and hops... by using a plunger and a pitcher, just a smaller (a lot) wort making machine... haha

It may be a fermenting device, but they call it a brewery.
Les the Weizguy said:
Tap King is Tooheys and has Lionel Richie in the fridge, and THAT will take some beating (edit: bad spelling)
Good point....
Ducatiboy stu said:
But does it produce spectacular beer compared to a cub in a fridge...
I think it depnds on type of cub you're keeping in there :D
Blind Dog said:
I think it depnds on type of cub you're keeping in there :D
Lion (Nathan) cub I guess. *boom tish*

I'll show myself out....
Perfect for us hipsters.
We're gonna need more accessories.
Yob said:
How many grams of hops do you think that pissy little bottle would hold? My IPA's would kill that thing..
There prob talking iso-hops..not real hops..
Im seeing a pattern..

3.jpgView attachment 74126

thats right... you need to have glasses to own one :lol:
MastersBrewery said:
Haven't we had enough WW bashing for one year guys?
I only just got started!

A shameless plug like that deserved to get picked on. For 6k I could get a BM, plus Fermenting Fridge, brauPi, keezer with flow control Perlick taps, ingredients and still have pocket change. This thing is a nice idea but the price seems unrealistic.
I wonder how many ewes in NZ are sitting in front of the TV asking their hubbies 'what's so funny on that bloody unternet?'
Well played Mr Mellie...well played.
Don't get caught up in the rush guys the following retailers have seen the light and stocking their products
  • Harvey Norman Auburn
  • Absolute Home Brew
  • Asquith Home Brew
  • Northern Brew
  • The Hop and Grain
  • What's Brewing
  • And outlets in Brisbane coming soon
Obviously some smart business people can see an opportunity and are not complain about the noise it's making


wobbly said:
Don't get caught up in the rush guys the following retailers have seen the light and stocking their products
  • Harvey Norman Auburn
  • Absolute Home Brew
  • Asquith Home Brew
  • Northern Brew
  • The Hop and Grain
  • What's Brewing
  • And outlets in Brisbane coming soon
Obviously some smart business people can see an opportunity and are not complain about the noise it's making


So the usual haunts of bored retired blokes who've got nothing else to waste their money on?
wobbly said:
Obviously some smart business people can see an opportunity and are not complain about the noise it's making


What?!!! It makes a lot of noise too?

You're not really selling this concept to me.

BTW, is Roger Mellie a retailer (just askin')
Why are there some people on this forum that are trying to push this product? Its pretty obvious whats going on.