I met Rose Hancock Porteous one night in Perth in December 2001. I was on my way back to town from Mosman Park from a restaurant called the Jade Palace. The Chairman of my company had taken me there to meet some of his business partners to discuss some technology that I was into at the time.
As it was late, he offered to take me back to my hotel. We talked shop until we came across an accident up ahead. There was a mauled Mercedes E320 against a telegraph pole with bits of it strewn across both sides of the highway.. Front RHS wheel was missing, heaps of trim scattered about the place and some fine witness marks.
We parked the car close, and got out, concerned for the occupants.
As we approached, there was a god awful noise - and god awful sight! Rose Hancock in pale blue silk pyjamas and 3 giant poodles.... she was out of the car and the dogs were shitting themselves in the back after their shunt. She was all aflap, and I alledge that she was under the affect of medication... and the shock of totaling her car. She seemed OK, but very distressed.
She gave me her phone to call her husband, whose business card I still have, William Porteous. I called him and he arrived in minutes. We loaded the big poodles into his car, and Rose too.
He thanked us for our help, discretion etc, and said if we needed anything, just call. He was a nice guy, but he really did have the ***** up with Rose's antics. As he drove off, I found the wheel to her car, chucked it in the boot, and saw the towies arriving.
The Chairman and I left also.
We drove in complete silence for about 5 minutes before completely pissing ourselves.