Claim To Fame - Famous People You Have Met

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I asked Tim Bailey who reads the weather for Channel 10 in Sydney what he thought the uggometer reading was for Port Douglas at the pub here one night. I got a polite 'I think it's a 2' with dirty looks from his missus thrown in.
I asked Tim Bailey who reads the weather for Channel 10 in Sydney what he thought the uggometer reading was for Port Douglas at the pub here one night. I got a polite 'I think it's a 2' with dirty looks from his missus thrown in.
You have an awful lot of restraint mate.
I'm pretty sure violence may occur if me and that guy are ever in the same place at the same time.

We have a winner :p

That's stillscottish on the left.
I used to work with Brains from the Henderson kids... Nice dude.. Was still called Brains.. Last seen in Canberra ... Other than that my SWMBO was cousins with the late great Heath Ledger...
I was taking a leak on the rooftop carpark of Woolies at Crow's Nest on Sydney's North Shore when Pat Rafter and his manager walked up, asking which exit to get to Woolies. I said I was going, there and would show them... awkward moment as we shook hands after I had just finished spending a penny :lol: . When we got down to Woolies, the women went beserk - must of been the most exciting Tuesday night Crows Nest had ever seen. Pat still had on his winning US open shorts on....
A couple of seasons back I played some local footy with Winston Abraham.

Whilst in Adelaide I met a past Biggest Loser contestant can't remember his name. I told him he looked familiar and he told me its probably from the show. He was actually quiet a nice bloke.

Also in Adelaide met big bad Barry Hall not long after his brain snap that seen him finish up with Sydney. He also seemed liked a pretty nice guy off the field.

Not that flash but there the best I can do.
Remember that bloke who won the first big brother, Ben something, I was on the same plane to Melbourne as him, we were on our way to the bikes at the island, dont know where he was going, said g'day, but didin't ask. He was kind of twitchy, did he have Turrets or something?

We had corporate passes that year which gave us pit access. The only rider I could spot was Alexandre Barros, so I grabbed him and got a 'facebook' style pic.
Then I shared a smoke with one of the Marlboro team mechanics.
He spoke no english.
I spoke no Italian.

But we still made it work.

This was at about 5pm.

We got to the tent at about 9am.

World leaders should drink more.
when i was about 8 or 10 in sydney I met Jimmy barnes with my old man, and met dick johnson twice. once at the adelaide GP and once in a Fish and chip shop in Euroa

EDIT: Met ROSS a couple of times aswell........
My wife worked for a film mag in the UK and part of her job was to administer an associated charity and organise the gala event. Emma Thompson was the patron and the place was jam packed with British film industry heavies. I helped out behind the scenes administering the film quiz and felt wierd explaining to people in the industry why it was important that you couldn't say if the answer to a question was Phantom Menace that the answer was Star Wars 4.
My wife's table at the event included Damon Hill (who hardly said a word all night). Heath Ledger was there, it was around 2001 so his career was really taking off. He was ill at the time though, he must have been, as he kept needing to visit the bathroom and came out with a sniffly nose...

I don't even begin to regard this as a claim to fame though, answering along the theme of famous people...
I had a good chat with Alan Lancaster from Status Quo at a pub in Sydney one night a long time ago, he was a top Bloke. That idiot weather forcaster Tim Bailey got me kicked out of a pub in manly.
I'm from Manly BD and we used to see Tim Bailey around alot. Lots of ego there, and could be a real ******. Once down a the Heller Keller bar at Thredbo (he'd been doing the snow report), I sidled up to him and said: 'Hey mate, my name is Sean - I've seen you surf Queensy a few times - what's your name?' And that's how the fight started...

So I should have punched the prick then InCider.

My wife and I were playing golf on the Sunshine Coast one day when a single golfer came up behind us. We let him through out of courtesy, which he thanked us for when he drove past. It was also Pat Rafter. When we got back to the Clubhouse he said "Gee, your wife has a good golf swing". My wife plays off 36 and her swing resembles an octopus falling out of a tree.

Prick, I should have punched him too.
So I should have punched the prick then InCider.

My wife and I were playing golf on the Sunshine Coast one day when a single golfer came up behind us. We let him through out of courtesy, which he thanked us for when he drove past. It was also Pat Rafter. When we got back to the Clubhouse he said "Gee, your wife has a good golf swing". My wife plays off 36 and her swing resembles an octopus falling out of a tree.

Prick, I should have punched him too.

PMSL Octopus falling out of a tree!

Pat is OK - Tim Bailey is a wally and his crew could see I was on the wind up big time. He's 4ft tall and I'm 6'2'' so leaning over him just makes him more cross :p
I met Rose Hancock Porteous one night in Perth in December 2001. I was on my way back to town from Mosman Park from a restaurant called the Jade Palace. The Chairman of my company had taken me there to meet some of his business partners to discuss some technology that I was into at the time.

As it was late, he offered to take me back to my hotel. We talked shop until we came across an accident up ahead. There was a mauled Mercedes E320 against a telegraph pole with bits of it strewn across both sides of the highway.. Front RHS wheel was missing, heaps of trim scattered about the place and some fine witness marks.

We parked the car close, and got out, concerned for the occupants.

As we approached, there was a god awful noise - and god awful sight! Rose Hancock in pale blue silk pyjamas and 3 giant poodles.... she was out of the car and the dogs were shitting themselves in the back after their shunt. She was all aflap, and I alledge that she was under the affect of medication... and the shock of totaling her car. She seemed OK, but very distressed.

She gave me her phone to call her husband, whose business card I still have, William Porteous. I called him and he arrived in minutes. We loaded the big poodles into his car, and Rose too.

He thanked us for our help, discretion etc, and said if we needed anything, just call. He was a nice guy, but he really did have the ***** up with Rose's antics. As he drove off, I found the wheel to her car, chucked it in the boot, and saw the towies arriving.

The Chairman and I left also.

We drove in complete silence for about 5 minutes before completely pissing ourselves.
I had a few beers with the boys from The Radiators after a show a number of years back. Vaguely remember the conversation because I was quite inebriated at the time so I was probably waffling ****.

Missed the boys from Metallica down at the Crown and Rose (?) Gold Coast by about 1 hour one evening - spewing....

EDIT: I also have had a beer with Ross.... also that Incider bloke, even had my photo taken with him...
I've had dinner with the GG...........Back when she was the head mistress of Women's College at Syd Uni (my wife was living in the dorms at the time.......)

Quite an entertaining lady.
i got pissed wiyh mel gibson,**** me he can drink,also had a couple with bill hughs(actor)and met aryton senna a n terrific genuine bloke and damon hill (f1) greg norman

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