Citizenship Celebration Beer!

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Beer Dog
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I'm almost an Australian citizen now, having passed my test (and for those who want to know what that's like have a go here)

So I thought it might be nice to plan a suitable celebration beer. Anyone fancy helping out with an idea for a suitable recipe?

Now this recipe has to be pretty good. It has to make the ridiculous cost, nasty boat ride and 5 years in detention worth it :icon_drunk:

Ideally it could have a suitably Stiriiiine theme ... maybe historical resonance, or using just Aussie ingredients...:icon_cheers:

EDIT: as to the method, don't mind if it's AG or any other method, where there's a will there's a way... isn't that what this country is about?
Aussie-ish lager 1

Type: All grain
Size: 22 liters
Color: 4 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 36 IBU
OG: 1.053
FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
Grain: 5kg JW Pilsner
500g JW Wheat malt
Mash: 70% efficiency, 64 deg C SI
Boil: 75 minutes, SG 1.037, 32 liters
Hops: 30g Pride of Ringwood flowers (10% AA, 60 min.)
WY 2000 (Budvar)

Mash: 2g CaSO4
2g CaCl2

Boil: 1g CaSO4
1g CaSO4

Brewing salt additions probably should be adjusted for your water (although mine are standard additions for flavour enhancers rather than pH adjusters)

Or do something dark and british but with roasted wattleseed.
A good IPA served with the British national dish Chicken Tikka Masala.
/// was going on about this beer recently. Maybe worth a shot. Not so fancy though, just a nice easy quaffer.

Edit: Have we nothing else to do on a Saturday? Three replies in less than ten minutes... Too sad.
Supposed to be going to a barbecue at my brothers but the rain here won't let up.

Also we're all brewing nerds so what else are we supposed to do?
Congratulations. Glad they dont test existing citizens, or that sample questionnaire would have be sent to Yemen !

Here's an all-Aussie recipe of mine that has been getting some good comments. Apologies for the format, I dont use software, but trial & error and notes in a spreadsheet.

Post boil volume 27L

Ale 4500
Wheat 1000
Crystal 50
Rice 500

Type AA Weight (g) Time (m)
POR 9.8 15 45
POR 9.8 10 10 (or in cube for no-chill)

Mash @ 62c

Recultured Coopers yeast, large active starter pitched.

Ferment at 18-20c
I'm almost an Australian citizen now, having passed my test (and for those who want to know what that's like have a go here)

I got 3 wrong. They're really political. I don't know squat about that stuff.

Brew VB - you know you want to.
Shed you realise you will always be a pommy bastard :p
I went for citizenship as soon as I was allowed in 1979 and the ceremony was performed in the Town Hall in Maryborough QLD by the Mayor Jock Anderson

"Dae ye swear, the noo, tea honour the Queen and tea .... och aye...." Most of the other nationalities were looking very nervous but at least I knew (more or less) what he was on about. :blink:
I got a few wrong too. My family originally got here by stealing cattle, they've made it much harder now!

As for what to make, i reckon you should make something with pride of ringwood in it. Maybe give a coopers sparkling ale a go.

Or even a xxxx clone!
:icon_offtopic: AS a "kinda" recent arrival (27years) I'm stoked that I got them all right, but then I did love "social studies" in high school....

Back on topic, 4kg base pils malt, 300g wheat, 500g rice, POR to ~25IBU 60min boil and what ever neutral lager yeast you can find. You can sub sugar for the rice for greater authenticity.....
Well I'de go a Hahn Premium but its a new style lager but its Aussie just ask Chuck

Ingredients not sure, pale malt , appropriate yeast ?, hops hersbrucker

Anyone else help me there on the ingredients ?

Pride of Ringwood in the flower form sounds good from earlier posts for an aussie type but never used it myself

Have druck a few commercial examples of it though

Maybe use it in a nice stout Brass Monkey comes to mind
Interesting bit of Aussie beer history on wikipedia - it seems we have it all wrong if we want to brew a traditional beer. We can either go with the first beer brought to Australia:

<i>"a quantity of Molasses and Turpentine, in order to brew Beer with, for your daily drink, when your Water becomes bad"</i>

or go with the first beer actually brewered on these shores:

<i>"The first (official) brewer in Australia was John Boston who brewed a beverage from Indian corn bittered with cape gooseberry leaves"</i>