Chocolate Stout-oil Has Ruined Head Retention

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Hey all,

I recently brewed a Double Chocolate Espresso Stout which turned out tasting fantastic, however I used a block of Lind 80% dark chocolate during the process and the fat and oils from this seem to have ruined any head retention the beer may of had. When poured there is a moment of beautiful chocolate coloured head, but this dissipates with in seconds to leave an oily slick on top of the beer. Basically, is there anything that can be done at this stage(Beer is kegged ready for consumption in a few weeks) that might help that beautiful head stick around for a bit longer? I have seen Gum Arabic used for head retention, but I suspect it may be too late for this. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Never had the problem myself, so can't help specifically. Cocoa powder in the boil is the way to go next time, with extra liquid chocolate extract in the keg/bottle if required.

I'd probably try leaving it undisturbed in the keg for a few weeks, and if it improves then do a VERY gentle keg to keg transfer & leaving the last few litres behind. Surely a significant portion of the chocolate oils would stay behind in the first keg, floating on top?

As i said, just speculation...

Liquid licorice extract also improves head retention in stouts, but might not do anything if there's still lots of oil floating around.

Your beer sounds tasty though, if that's any consolation!
Noted the word 'Espresso' in the recipe.

Coffee might be the issue here. Plenty of posts on oily slicks after people have added coffee to their beer.

Cold steeping the coffee is one way around the issue.

Thanks guys,

The coffee was cold pressed, upon a forum members recommendation. I did add a little too much though, as the coffee flavour is washing out the chocolate, but I love espresso so it's still delightful.
I will try transferring it to another keg before drinking time(Huge new years beerfest :icon_drunk: )

For next time I would halve the Qty of Coffee which was about 4 tablespoons cold pressed in 500ml of water, and just use cocoa and I think I would be on to a winner! I'll throw up a recipe when it is perfected.

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