Chilling MashPot...

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For the record, I used to always top up my partials with ice. From the servo. I'm guessing you did too to have got it down that quick. I never had any adverse effects.
Proffs said:
For the record, I used to always top up my partials with ice. From the servo. I'm guessing you did too to have got it down that quick. I never had any adverse effects.
Nah, I didn't use ice in the wort itself. Just threw some in the tub, let it sit for however long it took to finish grocery shopping with the missus, and then topped up from the tap. Took a temp reading before I diluted, and it was at 26c. It's about 2c outside where I am now, so I imagine the water coming out was around that also.
With those ambient temps you could have just sat it on the grass.
I'm sleepy post-whore.
Whore dors

Silver said:
With those ambient temps you could have just sat it on the grass.
There's a four legged brown demon outside that would have had other ideas.
I don't get it, if you could dump a bag of ice into concentrated hot wort and have instant pitchable wort in 5-10 minutes, and do pitch healthy yeast, how is that any different to the amount of exposure people give cooled wort by thrashing it, splashing it from a height or even plain old kit brewing. Paranoid much?
Doesn't servo ice often say that it isn't fit for human consumption on the bag?

Don't even talk to me about keeping ice at pasteurisation temps or I will punch you right in the rhetoric.
I'm not sure where you're getting your ice, Bum but mine is definitely intended for "drinking". Woolies sells it for $2.50 a bag.

When I did partials I'd usually end up with 15 litres of boiling wort. I'd tip it into the fermenter, throw 2 4kg bags of ice in and bob's your uncle. 23 litres of wort @ around 18*C.
Well, all the ice I ever bought or sold has been fit for consumption. I think they even sterilise the water or some other such claim but I won't put much into that. I didn't get the pasteurisation of ice thing. Apologies, I'm just tired I think. Most of my bartender friends don't bother making their own ice, they just keep a bag in the freezer. I've not died yet but there might be brain damage from the beer I've been drinking :p
With partials and a bit of forward planning you could freeze 3 or 4 litres of boiled water in a 4l sanitised icecream container, then chuck it into the kettle post boil.
carniebrew said:
With partials and a bit of forward planning you could freeze 3 or 4 litres of boiled water in a 4l sanitised icecream container, then chuck it into the kettle post boil.
Great idea. I think I might get on this.
helles said:
go buy a bag of ice from servo add to fermentor as your top up water

Cocko said:
Worst. Advice. Ever.
bag of bought ice was my standard cooling method for well over 3 years, i'm guessing around 30 brews.. never one infection, ever.
I think 90% of my K&K brews were filled with the garden hose at full blast to cool and aerate. Never had an infection. Never had a great beer either come to think of it.
I did freeze the odd container of ice and just dumped it in FV to reduce temps with partials and never had a problem. Hmmm (see above).
But now that I mash and boil for 180 odd minutes plus the extra prep and cleanup times, damned if I'm gonna chance a good beer by adding any water that hasn't been recently boiled.

Cover it with gladwrap, spray it with starsan, leave it alone for 24 hours. This is the best way to avoid infection Cocko tells me. I imagine it applies to wort as well.
Camo6 said:
I think 90% of my K&K brews were filled with the garden hose at full blast to cool and aerate. Never had an infection. Never had a great beer either come to think of it.
The anti-garden hose thing isn't really about infection rather than just off-flavours.

Camo6 said:
damned if I'm gonna chance a good beer by adding any water that hasn't been recently boiled.
Exactly. With any method of brewing.

[EDIT: That's not exactly what I meant. I thought he was talking about half arse-ing it, rather than adding untreated tap water. Not sure why. This Pliny clone is pretty good, but.]

Camo6 said:
Cover it with gladwrap, spray it with starsan, leave it alone for 24 hours. This is the best way to avoid infection Cocko tells me. I imagine it applies to wort as well.
Enjoyed. (TNWSS)
printed forms section said:
bag of bought ice was my standard cooling method for well over 3 years, i'm guessing around 30 brews.. never one infection, ever.

So, you put the ice directly in the brew? or you used it to chill the vessel?