Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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:lol: :lol: LMFAO Johnno.

that would have been one hot HOT Pizza.

It could have cooked itself!

Good to see the powder was used and enjoyed.

You now know the power..... and the endorphen rush..... of the mighty 7 :)

Got a day off today so just russled up some green chilli chutney.

250gms Green chillies (chopped)
1 tspn amchor (mango powder)
1 tspn shredded garlic
1 tbspn tamarind puree
1 tbspn sugar
1 tbspn lime juice
1/2 tspn salt
1/2 tspn Bhut Jalokia powder (thanks Tony)

Blend all in a blender. Not to smooth though.

Holy crap - its got a kick! Very tasty too. Go well as an accompaniment to curry.
My plants grew poorly this year, but I got enough of a crop to make two batches of sauce consisting of jalepeno, habanero (orange) and Thai peppers, one garlic (the whole plant or about 18 cloves), vinegar/water equal parts and sugar. Boiled down to a slurry and then pressed through a fine sieve, I dont have a pic of the sauce, but this is the label I have applied to the jars I give away.

The sauce is hot, but not extreme.

yeah im about to give the 7-pod powder a try on its own. with my house mate as well. cant wait till i go to grow the seeds i got from tony. any tips on growing them up here?
I just wanted to express my thanks also Tony. When the weather begins to turn I'll be getting my hands dirty planting out all the varieties.
Passed around a plate of the 7 pod powder at a party on Saturday night.

i did warn ppl.

First taste was nice, yep thats hot. About to go in for a second and the heat got turned up a notch. And again, and again till i was coughing and spluttering.

Sneaky little bastard creeps up on ya!

The few chilli heads there have all asked for some seeds so i will be sharing around the bags you sent me Tony.

Gotta share the pain1 :icon_chickcheers:
indeed ill be propergating them as best i can once we're out of winter. and ill really be sharing the pain :p
Im So excited about these things, Ive got a little chilli plant at home that my housemates were given at a wedding. its only small but growing a few dozen of upright chillis similar sort of shape to a immature Hab, colours vary on the plant too! I'll take a pic of it tonight, see if you guys can work it out.

Im thinking of making a Vinegar sauce out of em. Just for giggles.
The thing is, because the plant seems 'dwarf like' (It probably doesn't help Ive got it in a tiny pot) Im unsure if im giving plant a chance to allow the fruit to mature more to bend over as the fruit may not be upright for its full growth cycle.

My feeling is they are probably some hybrid hab. They are quite hot too, not Tony chilli hot.. but semi-hab hot if you crunch into one. Reds, Greens, Purple and White.
keep picking the matured fruit, it encourages the bush to fruit more.
It wont do much over winter..... they are summer lovin plants.

Picking the fruit to bring on more is right on the money but that wont make it grow any bigger.

Chilli plants are like goldfish......... the bigger the tank, the bigger the fish gets.......... same, the bigger the pot.......

Put them in the best quality potting mix you can get and mix this with about 20% peat moss to add organic matter.

If you want them to fruit profusly use a fertaliser that has no nitrogen in it. Seasol is great. rotate this with a normally ballanced fertaliser containing nitrogen.

Im going to make another batch of pinaple jerk sauce soon and will take some pics of how i do it. Its the most simple and delightful sauce.

My habanero has finally started getting mature fruit.
Is there a way I can dry them. I do not have access to a food dryer.

Try the oven on a low heat Johnno.I havent tried this but see know reason why it will not work.The other way is sun dried if you get enough sun and know rain.

Big D
I made chilli sauce tonight......... 2 different types. My Indian Madras style sauce thats tomatoe based and uses Bhut Jalokias..... seing as they are from India.

Also made a fruit based Jamakan Jerk sauce using Devils Tongues (fatalii's) and chocolate habaneros.

I have taken photos of the process to show how easy it is.

I will start with the Madras Sauce.

First i drop 2 or 3 tomatoes into boiling water to remove the skin, quarter and de-seed.
Grind 1 Table spoon coriander seeds, 1 tablespoon cummin seeds, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, a dozen cardomon seeds, 6 or 7 black pepper corns, 3 whole cloves, 1 teespoon tumeric and 1/2 teaspoon praprika..... i like smoked, to powder.


Heat some oil in a pot and drop in a teaspoon of mustard seeds and half a dozen curry leaves. I picked fresh ones from my tree and WOW they are great!


Get a lid on quick cause they go off like a frog in a sock and they go everywhere. I lift them off the heat to stop them burning. Once they calm down, chuck in the spices, 2 chopped cloves of garlic and 1/2 an onion and put it back on the heat. be carefull not to burn it cause it will be dry and tacky but the heat will bring out the flavour of the spice.


After a minuite, add the tomatoes and chilli, a table spoon of ground fresh ginger, half a cinimon stick and a half teaspoon of salt.


Then pour in white vinigar till it almost covers everything


Bring to the boil and simmer with the lid on for 10 to 15 min. Once its done.... and your only trying to soften everything up, dig out the cinimon stick and tip it in the food processor and make sure you dont over fill it. It get messy if you do.


Wiz it up for a bit to make it smooth and add some of this stuff. It thickens the sauce and gives it a nice smooth consistancy. This way you dont have to boil it dry and all the nice flavours stay fresh in the sauce.


I use about this much in these volumes of sauce. Its tricky stuff to get right. If you use too much, it goes like jelly and wont come out of the bottle, too little its wattery. I add a bit and stop the processor and check. It will be thicker but it thickens as it cools so its deceptive. Just use a bit like i have shown and you will work it out.


THis is what it looks like once its done. Ready to bottle. I use a funnel and bottle it hot.


And the final product in the bottle. I actually got 1 1/2 bottles

And now the jerk sauce.

Its a lot easier. Its just a case of chuck it all in and simmer then blitz and bottle like the madrass sauce.

I use a can of pinaple pieces, drained, juice and zent of a lime, and some cider vinigar (white in the pic but either is ok) a teaspoon of ground cinimon, a teaspeen of fresh grated whole nutmeg (its much nicer) and a dozen all spice berries, ground to powder.


I drained the pinaple and juiced and zested the lime, chopped the chillis (Devil Tongues and choc habs) and droped them in the pot. All the dry spice got thrown in and a teaspoon of sugar to cut the acidity of the lime and pinaple


Add vinigar to almost cover the solids and mix it up


Simmer 10 min, blitx and add about the same anount of xanthan gum as in the madras sauce. Remember the less liquid there is the more gooey it will go so be carefull with it. If you sprinkle a bit in and stop the processor and notice its holding bubbles dont add any more.

here is the nights haul:


hopefully this will help some folks make come nice shilli sauce.

You can use these methods and add just about any ingredients you want. The only limit is your imagination

After many months I finally have a red naga morich. I am hoping some of those green ones will turn red as well but do not think so with the weather so much cooler now.
Out of 3 plants this one was the second largest one. The largest one which was doing great with a lot of small chillies on it got broken by a massive wind we had a few months back.

Turns out my expected Habanero Limon aren't. Not the hab shape at all, and appear to be Aji instead. I notice Chillibird isn't even listing Hab Limon anymore, so either they were deliberately misrepresenting, or I got a stock swap. Not like I wasn't warned about that, I guess.
On the bright side, they're a tasty chilli, and nice looking but the one I ate this morning had no citrus tones I could recognise. Not in the hab scale of heat either.. but not unpleasntly mild either.
I had lots of trouble with seeds from Chillibird. Not growing to what they were suposed to.

For seeds, give this fella a try. He is in Oz and is a dead set mega chilli head like me......... he has a passion for them, not just an online shop!

Check out the Picture of the 7 Pot's....... :)
Tony, some great pics there on the latest batch of sauces.

Do you have any issues with the sauces going off? Or does the potent chilli negate the need for sterilising measures?

Do you boil the bottles in water once filled?

Looks great though! Cheers!