Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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I just planted in 600ml coke bottles (same method as Tony) these little babies:

Black Knight, White Jellybean Habaneros, Chicala/Pasilla Bajio, Czech Black, Santa Fe Grande & one with an illegible label the boy and I named "Ace of Spades" after my kiddies favourite song. :super:

One bottle per seedling until I get some more old coke bottles.

I went through a stage of seedling trays and TLC to get the seedlings going but found the best method was the drink beer in the shed and throw chillis in the mulch of pot plants for seedlings. The coke bottle method means I can remember what is what!

And while I'm doing a Pistol Patch post, I went to the Ekka on saturday and as soon as I entered the gourmet foods pavillion, I found myself infront of the chilli sauce stand. I tried 2 sauces one was 9/10 and the other 10/10 on their scale, and I decided they dealt in salsa! My pure Hab sauce is nearly unbearable, and easily 22 out of 10 compared to them! :blink: Mind you, they didn't claim to be selling Brain Death Sauce.

And they had preservatives, colouring and flavourings.
InCider on a Chilli Bender again. :D
When I visited my folks place last night I saw to my horror that my chilli plant had no leaves! They said that the frost got it recently. I sure hope he recovers as I grew him from a seed a LONG time ago... it's recovered from terrible damage in the past.
Hey NRB - sorry you've lost leaves in the frost. Take Tony's idea it's a beaut.

I even put some more seeds in today - some from Screwtop and some from a bloke at work. :D

(still trying to go 'cold turkey' on chillis) :blink:

It's a bit hard InCider. The plant is nearly as tall as me and 1m wide...
It's a bit hard InCider. The plant is nearly as tall as me and 1m wide...

It seems by comprehension leaves a lot to be desired NRB - A much older plant than I read - sorry mate.

I grow new plants each year on the whole. Better yields. I have had a few that I cut right back each year, but grow new ones for their yield.


No worries InCider. The yields from this plant are amazing to say the least. I don't know how many flushes it has, but seems to spit out 300+ at each harvest. I'd say as a guess I strip it maybe 4 times a year?
No worries InCider. The yields from this plant are amazing to say the least. I don't know how many flushes it has, but seems to spit out 300+ at each harvest. I'd say as a guess I strip it maybe 4 times a year?

Wow! My understanding was that chillies should be grown form seed each year because the yields after the first season are greatly reduced. Not that i have a choice, the frosts destroy everything in the vegie garden each winter and i cant take them inside cos if i do i would have to out the beer outside.
I can categorically dispute that information. This plant has produced fruits for around 10 years.
I can categorically dispute that information. This plant has produced fruits for around 10 years.

NRB & Dr Smurto,

I've had a couple for more than one season but had them die off after a couple. I do have one still in the ground from last year and won't dig it up - will work on making it permanent and see how it goes.

10 years is bloody excellent! Screwtop doesn't prune or replant his and he gets good yields.

Mine have to be stripped about every 2 weeks, even a small crop visible as I look out the window, much smaller crops during the cooler months. Maybe coincidence, but I give them a big drink about every two weeks and within days there's a new batch of flowers. Gave away another two 2L icecream containers a few weeks ago and have another ready to go. What with the sauce that InCider provides and also a friend of SWAMBO's everything here is served with chilli sauce, must try the grandaughter on choc ice cream and chilli sauce. Even the grandkids now eat meals with chilli.

More chilli recipes Byron Bay Chilli Recipes

And the latest from them:


Spicy Red Capsicum Soup with Coriander Cream

and Jalapeno Scones

3 tablespoons olive oil
6 large red capsicum, cored, seeded and cut into thin slices
6 leeks, white and light green parts only, sliced
3 garlic cloves, minced
4 fresh sprigs oregano
2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
cup Byron Bay Chilli Company Red Cayenne Chilli Sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup cream

Heat the oil over medium heat in a heavy pan and add capsicum. Cook and stir for about 2 minutes until slightly softened.
Add leeks and garlic and cook another 2 minutes. Add oregano and cover. Reduce heat to low and cook for 1 hour or until capsicum are very soft.
Blend the mixture in a processor and puree. Pour back into pan, add stock and chilli sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir in cream and heat just until hot. Drizzle individual servings of soup with Coriander Cream.

(makes 4 large or six generous servings)

Coriander Cream
cup sour cream
cup cream or plain yogurt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Put all ingredients in processor and blend until smooth.

Jalapeno Scones
1 cups plain flour
cup polenta or cornmeal
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt
2 jalapeno chillis, seeded (optional) and minced
1 red cayenne chilli, seeded and minced
60g chilled unsalted butter
cup cream or buttermilk
1 egg yolk

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. In a large bowl, combine flour, polenta, cheese,
baking powder, baking soda, salt and chillis. Mix thoroughly.
Cut in butter with 2 knives until mixture resembles coarse meal. Drizzle with cream and stir until mixture forms a dough.
Carefully add more cream if mixture is too dry. On a lightly floured surface, pat the dough into a circle inch thick.
Cut into 8 wedges and transfer to a baking sheet. Brush the top of each scone with beaten egg yolk mixed with a splash of water.
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown on top.
Serve with butter and chilli jam or sweet chilli sauce.
Makes 8 scones
I have a wonderful crop of chillis growing.

my Manzano red has taken off and is getting flowers, my goatsweed plant is taking off as well. I have 2 healthy orange habs and planted seeds one arvo after a few beers nad didnt write down what was what and where they were.

Well...... now i have dozens and dozens of chilli plants popping up everywhere. chocolate habs, red habs, white jellybean habs, naga jo..something, and god knows what else.

I will have to let them go in their little groups (at least i seperated them by variety) and weed out the weaker smaller plants as they grow. keep a couple of each and see what they grow.

the way they are growing and the great weather we are having it wont be long.

My Halapeno plant has plenty of fruit(?) at the moment and I have added a couple slit down the middle to my Green cherry Tomato Pickles, looking forward to munching on these with my pickled eggs, blue cheese, and tart Weizen, Yumm.

My Halapeno plant has plenty of fruit(?) at the moment and I have added a couple slit down the middle to my Green cherry Tomato Pickles, looking forward to munching on these with my pickled eggs, blue cheese, and tart Weizen, Yumm.
View attachment 15646


Pure chilli porn Andrew!

Hi Guys

I've been a member for a little while and never really got onto the forums,


I LOVE my chillies.... I am only new at growing them and i got my love for them from tony who is a member of AHB and is on this thread as well.

I am growing at the moment: Hot Banana (2/10), Aji Rojo (5/10), Cayenne (3/10), Jalapeno (2/10), Purple Tiger (7/10), Tabasco (7/10), Thai Bangkok Upright (5/10) goats weed (?) Orange Habs (ouch).

I have another 6 types in pots that i got off tony over the weekend but i don't know what is what with them cause tony and i were a little pissed when he planted them (he forgot where he planted them all and they started coming up all over the place. :eek:

All the Chillis are about a month old and growing nicely.

See ya...........



Ahhhh i see the little babies survived the move.

I always knew what our kids were before we had them but now i know what its like to not know.

all these little green chilli plants everywhere and no idea whats what.

lots of blkoody hot chillies it will be so im happy.

I will take a pic of the Manzeno Red with its big geen leaves and deep purple flowers. a couple have opened.

Well Chilli Heads.......... who has them growing...... Its that time of the year.

Show us your crops comming on.

I am living in fear of the crop im going to get this year :eek:

I have Manzano Reds which are a South American Capcicum.... very hot, thick fleshed and about the size of a large peach. Grown to be chopped fresh with tomatoes to make fresh salsa so i cant wait for these to get going.

I have A Goatsweed plant which has a velvet soft hairy frame and upright black chillis that turn red when ripe. Its going nuts and is suposed to grow to over 2 meters tall. I will need a lader to harvest them.

I laso have several Habanerso that are a bit unknown as said before.... we planted them pissed but they are going strong. I have 2 Orange Habs with green fruit forming and growing fast, I planted red habs, white bullet habs (these things reportably produce several hundred small chillis weiging over 2 KG/per plant.

I planted Naga Jolokia and Chocolate Habs but im not sure whats what so i guess i will have to wait till they ripen. They are all flowering and starting to bear fruit so cant wait.

I have found a great Chilli forum if anyone is interested.....Iths the AHB of chillis.






I'd be hard to beat you guys as it's not peak season for me yet, but I just chucked the camera on charge for an update tomorrow.

Love the little black ones Tony!

I should have a good haul of habs, some skinny yellow ones and shedloads of mild ones - good for making up the body of the sauce for those who get pain from pure habanero sauce! :D

I've now got a small orange Habanero growing (only 30cm tall), potted a couple of weeks ago. My 10yo frost burnt Birdseye is starting to regrow plenty of green leaves... finally!

I'd really like to get some Anchos.
I have some nice Halapeno [spelling?] growing ;) I love them.

Edit: Can't spell
My Halapeno bush has been decimated by catapillars. I had 1/2 a dozen nice large chillies ready to be picked and one morning I noticed a catapillar eating the last one. Also I have noticed leaves seem to go missing over night, almost like they have been cut of at the stem. Any ideas for solving this problem?


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