Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Here's an interesting variety guys. Not sure if I'd want them in my food though.View attachment 13209

I should look at pickling them and selling jars at the church fete :)
That for real winkle? Geez...imagine a bush full of those! Talk about copping an eyefull... :D

Anyways, came home for the first few days of uni hols, and low and behold my mum has scored a Habanero chilli from some old dame down the street...and is drying it so she can plant it! YES! I'm going to have to halve it once its dry so I can take some seeds back with me - I've already got some Siam and Jalapenos dried back at uni...should be an interesting year ahead haha.
That for real winkle? Geez...imagine a bush full of those! Talk about copping an eyefull... :D

Anyways, came home for the first few days of uni hols, and low and behold my mum has scored a Habanero chilli from some old dame down the street...and is drying it so she can plant it! YES! I'm going to have to halve it once its dry so I can take some seeds back with me - I've already got some Siam and Jalapenos dried back at uni...should be an interesting year ahead haha.

Oddly they are for real, see pene/peter chillis on, it'd be amusing to get some seeds for the novelty factor.
Careful with the Habenaro's

There hot. You wont need much.

I had two plants last season and have still got enough chili paste and chili sauce to last a life time.

They do have a distict flavour that may go well in a dry lager or ale.

Kabooby :)
Kabooby - Yeah, I know about the heat of them...I told my family to give them massive respect once they're planted and to wash their hands well after handling them - then gave them the story of that chef who got hospitalised after taking a whizz without washing beforehand hahaha...

But yeah, can't wait to have a few plants! May even end up going down to the markets once I've got a decent crop and selling them so I've got some extra beer money :beerbang:
I love my chilli, I recently purchased some from the Byron Bay Chilli Company at the Easter Show and my frig it was hot, my mouth was on fire for about an hour after eating a small tiny blob of it.

I can't remember the name of it, but it was rated 10 out of 10 on their scale of chillis.

xknifepointx you can buy the Byron Bay stuff from Wollies, i always make sure i have a bottle or two in the fridge. I especially like the mango chilli that they do.

Just picked up an interesting schnapps variety from my trip to the snow: Wildbrumby Distillery's 'Devils Tongue'. Complete with a decorative chilli in the bottle, sitting at the bottom.

Very nice schnapps, and I've never seen anything quite like it before. Its got a great chilli flavour and just the right amount of hotness [in my opinion!]. That said, it isn't for people who don't like spicy foods.

Anyone else had/heard of chilli schnapps before?
I just put a big pot of chopped onions, apples Habaneros and assorted chillis on the stove. I steeped 5 grams of Hallertau in a glass and tossed that in too. And then 3 or 4 Kaffir Lime leaves. I used white and cider vinegar as I could not decide one way or the other.

Smells beautiful.

I was going to put an orange in but stopped myself! :D

I have 3 goatsweed plants kicking on in the back yard ATM and have just got these going

4 x chocolate (scotch bonnet) habenaro's and 3 x whire jellybean habenaro plants.

will get the reds and some others going soon for the summer growing season.

may have to get some orange habs too.


PS. i have read that the scotchies are hard to get growing...... i got 100% germination in a coke bottle :D

I chop a coke bottle in half, fill the bottom half with good potting mix, make it damp......not wet and poke it with a pencil to make mice little 5mm deep holes for the seeds. coverthem and put the top on the bottle.

sit some where warm (20 deg) and watch em grow. I get a 90% strike rate with seeds like this, when they have sprouted, remove the lid and keep damp. transplant to garden when ready.

you may loose one or two doing this but thats life....... survival of the fittest.


Another thing I thought people might be interested in is this link: Scoville Scale. Basically it gives you info on the relative hotness of chillis and how they come to this conclusion via scientific and perceptual methods.

Habaneros are rated at 100,000 to 350,000 Scoville, and Jalapenos 2,500 to 8,000. The variation is down to plant lineage & growing conditions.

Cheers - boingk

I got my hands on some Naga Jolokia pepper seeds, and attmepted to grow them with out sucess (cats ate the seedlings),
When i manage to actually get them to grow, who would be interest in trying?

Before saying yes, Just look where they rate on the Scoville, in the link above.
for people looking for hot paste this stuff will burn, Great in mexican and on pizza's or for being a bastard to your drunk mates.

look for the Turbo Supercharge Habanero Paste.

that little jar will last a long time
When i manage to actually get them to grow, who would be interest in trying?

Before saying yes, Just look where they rate on the Scoville, in the link above.

I'd be interested in growing a bush of these things, and would certainly love one to try - a mate of mine reckons that he can't get a curry hot enough these days! My birdseye chilli plant is huge (grown from a <10yo frozen seed), rate about 8/10 or 100,000 Scoville heat units and don't satisfy him. I'd love him to bite into one of these Naga Jolokia fruits and tell me it's not hot enough!
I got my hands on some Naga Jolokia pepper seeds, and attmepted to grow them with out sucess (cats ate the seedlings),
When i manage to actually get them to grow, who would be interest in trying?

Before saying yes, Just look where they rate on the Scoville, in the link above.

Well after Reading this Thread, I went back to the Website, where i purchased my chilli seeds from and they have changed the name of the chillis that i purchased, so i figured i should adjust my previous statement.
It would appear i have the Indian PC-1 Chillis not the Naga jolokia i thought i had purchased, i have no idea where these rate on the Scoville.
I got my hands on some Naga Jolokia pepper seeds, and attmepted to grow them with out sucess (cats ate the seedlings),

Shoot the cats...easy :excl:

Or grow them like i did in the pic above

Here is my version of stuffed Jalapeno's. In America they call them Jalapeno Poppers. Clany's fish Pub's in W.A make them and they call them 'fried mice'. The last time I had them there I dont think the chef was all that concerned with getting all the seeds and membrane out as they were *%^&$%@ hot!

Loved them though and great with a beer.

My recipe is similar to some of the others here but done in a beer batter, simple to make and I reckon delicious!

Green Jalapenos about 5 6 cm long
Philedelphia cream cheese
Chopped fresh mint
Chopped fresh chives
Flour, salt and beer of your choice for beer batter, see my choice below.

Make batter first so it can stand and improve whilst you stuff jalapenos. Put cup of flour into a bowl season with salt and then mix in the beer until you reach the consistency you prefer. You dont want it too thick or too thin. Next place the jalapenos under a hot grill and char the skins until black turning them as you go. When blackened and charred all the way put them in a plastic bag to sweat for 10 minutes this makes them easier to peel. Peel all the skinn off but make sure you leave the stems intact and long. Slice down one side and carefully remove the seeds and the vein this removes all of the heat so if you want them hot leave some of the vein and seeds. Mix your chopped dill and chives together with the cheese a little at a time tasting as you go to get the flavour balance you want and then with a teaspoon (or as Fixa suggested a piping bag) stuff the jalapeno with the cheese mixture. Close over the flesh so it looks whole and intact. Dip into beer batter and then deep fry till golden brown. Let them cool down just a little and then eat.
Best to eat with the beer you used for the batter: Little Creatures Pale, Mountain Goat Pale Ale or Hightail or try a Pilsner Urquell, Coopers Pale or Stoutwhat ever is in your fridge just do it!
Here is my version of stuffed Jalapeno's. In America they call them Jalapeno Poppers. Clany's fish Pub's in W.A make them and they call them 'fried mice'. The last time I had them there I dont think the chef was all that concerned with getting all the seeds and membrane out as they were *%^&$%@ hot!

Loved them though and great with a beer.

My recipe is similar to some of the others here but done in a beer batter, simple to make and I reckon delicious!

Green Jalapenos about 5 6 cm long
Philedelphia cream cheese
Chopped fresh mint
Chopped fresh chives
Flour, salt and beer of your choice for beer batter, see my choice below.

Make batter first so it can stand and improve whilst you stuff jalapenos. Put cup of flour into a bowl season with salt and then mix in the beer until you reach the consistency you prefer. You dont want it too thick or too thin. Next place the jalapenos under a hot grill and char the skins until black turning them as you go. When blackened and charred all the way put them in a plastic bag to sweat for 10 minutes this makes them easier to peel. Peel all the skinn off but make sure you leave the stems intact and long. Slice down one side and carefully remove the seeds and the vein this removes all of the heat so if you want them hot leave some of the vein and seeds. Mix your chopped dill and chives together with the cheese a little at a time tasting as you go to get the flavour balance you want and then with a teaspoon (or as Fixa suggested a piping bag) stuff the jalapeno with the cheese mixture. Close over the flesh so it looks whole and intact. Dip into beer batter and then deep fry till golden brown. Let them cool down just a little and then eat.
Best to eat with the beer you used for the batter: Little Creatures Pale, Mountain Goat Pale Ale or Hightail or try a Pilsner Urquell, Coopers Pale or Stoutwhat ever is in your fridge just do it!

Brilliant Merc - I'm going to try the next lot on philly cream cheese and mint. Sounds the business!

I've got a shedload of chilli seeds including the nagas off a mate, am I am getting the planting started now. Long hot summer! :D

Chilli is one of the main ingredients in my "holy hash" signature ale. I use between 8 and 12 chillies in the fermenter, then keg off and enjoy... very nice.

Our local butcher "Star of the North" @ Currambine makes a range of snags and i give them approx 1kg of small thai stingers to make a 10kg batch of their sicilian snags. They pour them into the mix whole and grind them up with all the other goodies. I've just cooked up some tonight for a BBQ treat.

If anyone is interested in a kg or 2, let me know as i'll be asking the lads at the Star of the North to make some up soon. $10.50 a kg and they don't charge me any extra to make them up.
has anyone tried death sauce? or their sister sauces after death, sudden death or mega death? easily the hottest thing i have ever tried. aussie supplier

I just tried death sauce last night at a mates BBQ. I took along some of my chilli beers and chili snags and he went 1 better and pulled out the "Dreaded DEATH SAUCE". Needless to say, i thought "what sauce could be hotter than my snags?" and proceeded to liberally paste a piece of meat (roast lamb) with a very healthy smattering of DEATH SAUCE.. Well root my old boots, this **** is nuclear waste! I had tears and broke into a sweat. This sauce is the REAL DEAL! Hats off to Blair (the maker of the sauce). He must have stainless steel taste buds.
hahaha i always love a good initiation! you ask people if they like chilli and they say yes and the heat STILL comes as a surprise.. i bought a selection of the sauces last year as gifts and the mega death and sudden death are actually about 20-30% hotter than the regular death which is still much hotter than the turbosuperchage habanero paste..

a brazillian bloke at work insisted that "in my home country we eat chillis off the tree. for meals we just eat chilli and fish..." so i bought along the mega death.i told him just to have a tiny bit of sauce, he had a small tupperware container of rice and tuna and proceded to pour in about half a shotglass worth. he mixed it all up into a bright red paste and ate. and ate. i watched in amazement because he really was scoffing the stuff down and even just a match head potion of sauce is enough to burn your mouth for 15 minutes. we sat watching and he ate faster and faster.. then he said he needed a drink. he got a diet coke, and sipped and sipped and his head turned bright red with tears and sweat coming out every where. he blamed the bubbles in the diet coke for exploding the flavour! then he had to leave cause his train was ready and i later found out that he had to get his mate to drive the train cause he was laying on the floor of the cab in agony and was even doing fiery spews out the cab door near lidcombe...

hhaha i cracked up for days!! :D
Love the death sauces - i bought the super six pack so i know all about the beast that is megadeth. Eye dropper stuff.

Had a mate who ate a teaspoon of the original death sauce for a $20 dare. Funny stuff, he was throwing up for a good 10 mins!

Jealousy got the better of me - all you blokes living in nsw and qld that can grow chillies all year round, so ordered a mini greenhouse so i can have all the seedlings ready to plant after the last frosts (usually sometime in September) - aiming for a heap of birds eyes, orange and choc habs, a few jalapenos for the mex cooking. Any other must try varieties? The Dorset naga would be worth a few bragging rights....... and would be a funny dare....


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