Here we go
In order to make this, the Complete Housewife instructs us to take 10 gallons of ale and a large cock, the older the better. Parboil the cock, flea [flay?] him, and stamp him in a stone mortar till his bones are broken (you must craw and gut him when you flea him), then put the cock in 2 quarts of sack [16th century dry spanish wine], and put to it 3 pounds of raisins of the sun stoned, some blades of mace, a few cloves; put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has done working, put the ale and bag together into a vessel; in a week or 9 days bottle it up, fill the bottles but just above the neck, and give it the same time to ripen as other ale.
(Pg 96,The Complete Joy of Homebrewing 3rd ed, Papazian, 2003)