Charging For Your Brews

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Depends on the situation, if mates come over EVERY week instead of going to the pub, then fine, chip in a few bucks each. If it's a one off, then hell no, money shouldn't be changed hands. I give some of my mates at work a stubby here and there to just taste and love thier feedback, wouldn't expect one cent for it. But as OP they are going to his house EVERY week instead of the pub, I would appreciate the few bucks for the brewing costs too. I also brew for the love of it and hearing my workmates say "this is bloody nice". Just saying it depends on the situation, as long as you don't have people coming over at all hours to buy a 2 litre bottle like the other guy busted a few weeks ago.
I bring out the 8% Rauchbier when people think they're onto a good thing.

Joke's on them - it's VB and Bongwater.
I bring out the 8% Rauchbier when people think they're onto a good thing.

Joke's on them - it's VB and Bongwater.

Nice combination there.
Brings back memories of a miss spent youth at the end of the night, when co-ordination not as it used to be.
I'm thinking of having a tip jar on my fridge just so the wife can pay for half of each bloody batch she drinks, but is always mysteriously too busy to help me make it. The 'can I help, dear' stopped long ago when I suggested she might wish to do the cleaning-up and maybe pay occasionally for the big sacks I bring home :) (she may even buy some grain one day)

The upside is that she'll drink any old rubbish, so the less-than great brews are still enjoyed by someone instead of being tipped down the drain. She's the only one I know who would happily face my high IBU, uncarbonated, infected dirty Amarillo Lager experiment without flinching.
Sounds like a great wife!!!

Mine drinks too much of my beer too!
Nice combination there.
Brings back memories of a miss spent youth at the end of the night, when co-ordination not as it used to be.

& it's not just the drinking of the bong water that sucks.. It's also the bong water that dribbles out of the shotty and all over the front of you that stinks for hours!!! :eek:
In Australia it's jail. Not that I would know anything about JAIL. Unless you meant he was scoring a goal, goal, goal.

I think you'll find in Australia it's Gaol, not the American Jail. ;)
A great read.
Some mates asked me a couple of years back how much I'd charge to brew a batch. I refused - a combination cos I didn't want to, and also I couldn't put an exact figure on it! B)
Nah, If you're going to "charge" for your beer I fully believe in the Barter system/beer economy (those Tooheys ad's are funny).

In the end, I'm more than happy to share my beer between friends. If anyone wants to contribute, they do with their company.
I'm into this hobby (obsession) for the love of it, not for the money.
Some of you old farts need to listen to 'Johnny Cash: What is truth?' Older than most of you and even he could see that what people wear (not 'where') is less important than who they are.

Why the **** is the spelling of jail/gaol even relevant to this discussion?
and why do we have to be ******* yanks it ***** me see all the kids not know how to where a ******* hat and talking in that yanke ****
The thing that's annoying - go on holidays to Europe, and you know on tour brochures, restaurant menu's, etc, the little flag's next to the different languages?
The first one's usually the American Flag - the Union Jack comes second.

But in the end, I like American & English style beers equally.
[mild rant]

Charge? Accept donations?
I know times are hard, but come on...
You greedy fu**ers!
Aren't you people missing the point?

What price friendship these days?

Surprised some folk aren't expecting a few coins for the words they type on forums... or smiling... or hosting a party in a new shirt (because it was a bit expensive...)?

You make beer for the love of it, and maybe share the love, Shirley?

Or you form a company.

However, even then, if you were James Wat or Mark Dickie, and your mates popped ever for a chat, would you start rattling your tin in their faces?

***** sake people, get some perspective.

Charging a mate after offering him a beer, cheeses of Nazereth!!!

[/mild rant]

Good topic BTW...
Eh, I'm not a fan of it. For one it makes me feel like I look a bit skint and stingy, but also my friends tend to bring over beer, snacks etc when they come over for whatever reason. I also go over their place and have their beer and food- so in the end it all balances out. No need for a tip jar IMO.

thats what i think to
Yeah - I do it for the fun. I end up giving beer away to make space so I can brew the next one.

A couple of L of beer? $3
Being told that your beer is so good you should give up your day job[*]? Priceless.

That said, my brother-in-law sometimes pays for ingredients so I can brew a batch for him, but that, as others have said, is different.

[*] And that was goobrau, too! :)

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