Let's just say me and InCider have been mates for more years than I care to remember.
Anyway SWMBO and InCider... well let's just say they like each other in small doses mainly because me and the InCider <insert sheep shagger icon> have wayyyyy too much fun together and in our youth seemed to find ourselves in trouble.
Anyway I believe the story goes Chappo and InCider get drunk, InCider thinks it would be funny to parade around in SWMBO g-string, ensuing laughter at 2am in the morning wakes unimpressed SHMBO, consequently InCider is being chased up and down the street by SWMBO and myself, Benny Hill style, with said nickers over his head nose in crotch. Neighbours call tha cops. Cops blare down street with lights blazing sirens screaming. We lived 1 street away from the cops station if your wondering why they were so quick and thanks to likes of InCider had our address on the notice board. Cops find 2 drunken men and one crazy lady... meanwhile the neighbours have now collected out the front of their houses to the whole ruckus. Me, InCider and SWMBO get right royaly dressed down publically by unamused sargent of no fun on my beat. SWMBO was embarassed and took weeks to face the neighbours and has never forgiven InCider...
G-String = "airlock isn't working" around here.
End of story...
Im also stuck at a desk, all day every day <_< I quit smoking 14 months ago and remember thinking "what does everyone do all day?" when I quit.. haha
And now with the economy the way it is, business is slow, which leads to waaaaay more beer forum time :lol:
That head, in a g-string.........
I need therapy.....
That head, in a g-string.........
I need therapy.....
P.S. You should see my wifes forum. There are ladies with 6 and 7 thousand posts. (over the last year or two)
I find it amusing that you have a post on here talking about the amount that someone posts, yet it has kept you all interested enough to keep posting yourselves. What are we up to??? four pages talking about Chappo's posts.
At least this forum is light hearted and on the whole friendly and good spirited. I'm on a woodworking forum where some think it's their own god given right to shot anyone down who has a difference of skill or opinion.
Here one for staggers
At least that should wash his mind of InCider's beautiful mug
Thank **** for the image, I must say, I never can work out with that Incider bloke whether he`sfair dinkum or not ////[oh mumble mumble i`me listening to Sringsteens Nebraska tape.
They calledhim the Boss.....they were`nt wrong!!
Haven't changed a bit. Just my wigs. Still no lover of t-shirts - I'll wait 'teill I'm a fat fecker for that! :lol:
View attachment 25225
Haven't changed a bit. Just my wigs. Still no lover of t-shirts - I'll wait 'teill I'm a fat fecker for that! :lol:
View attachment 25225