Changes To Family "law" Are Eminent

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Beer Dog
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Hi All,

Just an alert to inform to eminent changes to custodial arrangements being put-forward by the current govenment which will see a return to a mandatory "one weekend a month" time with your children (if you are male) upon seperation from your current partner.

Please have a look at and make your voice heard.



Oh yeah, If you think that it won't happen to me then think again. As a MAN you have no rights under "Family Law"
Hi Darren,

I'm not saying you're wrong as my brother has some issues with visitation rights with his child, despite every paternity payment being met, despite being employed full time and despite being a stand up bloke with no criminal history etc.

However I'm not sure it's related to all grain.

Off topic section perhaps?
ur stance and issue is not clear. Reading ur post it appears that ur against the proposed move. Actually ut sounds like ur a women saying saying how dare they get a mandatory visit. Now one assumes since ur starting the thread it means that this proposition is less than what currently is given? And that's why people should know about it.

My long winded point as that u might want to explain the situation for people so it makes us aware of the issue.

Oh and they can take my kids away from me, when they pry my dead cold hands from around them.
The change might be imminent, but it certainly is not eminent.
you know, if there weren't so many drop kick dad's out there not paying their child support and using children as leverage in divorce battles then there wouldn't be this discrimination in the legislation...
That's just a mildly sweeping generalisation there. There are drop kick dads and drop kick mums. There are also great dads and great mums. Sometimes the pairings aren't equivalent.
There are also really annoying kids.

People often forget that.
I'm pretty sure as far as the family court is concerned, a child has equal rights to both parents, meaning that if a dad wants 50% time with his child, then he can get it. I'm all pretty sure there is a precedent in place for this too.
Anything to do with Child Access gets my blood boiling as there are there are 2 sides to this argument, the bottom line is the children lose. Individual cases should be looked at and suitable arrangements should be made accordingly TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION ALL FACTORS as most times the courts don't.

My point:


My partners ex Husband is a TNUC (a backwards C**t) alcoholic wife beater yada yada. He had access to the children every fortnight over the weekend. Over that weekend he filled the kids head full of shite about the mother, her family, the relationship with me, as well as him having a different partner on the nights they were there. He would phone consistently whilst pissed and upset the children with his rantings. He even called his 13 year old Daughter GST - Get Some Tits. I could go into more but you get the gist. Bottom line is he was granted this access from the courts regardless of what he did or said while he had them.


My BIL and his Partner separated just before she found out she was pregnant. From about 12 months old the BIL wanted more access to him as it is his only child. The ex has been doing everything in her power to make it difficult for him to get any sort of regular access, citing that he is demand breastfed, and also moving another 20 minutes away from him to make it more difficult. They went to mediation and was granted 2 hours on 2 days and she wouldn't budge on anymore. It went to Court and ended up with 2 hours on 3 days but couldn't get anymore because the child is "Demand Breast Fed", the child is now 18 months old FFS, and states she will breast feed until the child is at least 4 years old. Now don't get me wrong, I agree 100% with breastfeeding, but she is using it to manipulate the situation, considering she has 4 other children that she never did that with before and she wont express or allow the BIL to feed him any solids. The older 4 children also have been manipulated by her that they suffer Separation Anxiety from the Mother so bad that they are now Home Schooled as they cannot leave her for those 6 hours during the day.

/End Rant...
I signed up with the fathers4equality as a supporter (I have been a single dad for around seven years now to my 16 yo daughter) and had a lot of problems with their system not working properly for whatever reason.

Perhaps Emailing your local MP might be worthwhile. One things for sure the ballot box is the only thing their interested in and there are a lot of dads out their that have got some rough deals.

Another thing I found is if your a single dad like me than better do the job twice as good as the best single mum, because all eyes are on you
even better dont have kids
I'm pretty sure as far as the family court is concerned, a child has equal rights to both parents, meaning that if a dad wants 50% time with his child, then he can get it. I'm all pretty sure there is a precedent in place for this too.


Currently there is in place presumption of 50%/50%. However, only 5-10% of dads are getting that.

The current imminent ;) changes will see a return to "the good old days" (read bad) where the starting point is 2 weekend nights a month contact for the DAD. This WILL be the case even if you really want to see your children.

If you love your kids and hope that both you and your parents can spend quality time with them into the future MAKE YOU VOICE HEARD


Ok. That doesn't sound right.
I bet this has to do with that arrangement that saw some kid flying every week to change houses.

I'm months away from getting a parenting order in place too!
Ok. That doesn't sound right.
I bet this has to do with that arrangement that saw some kid flying every week to change houses.

As well as the dad who threw his 4-year old daughter of a bridge in Melbourne. It created an enormous of "mainstream knowledge".

I bet you did not know that two months prior to this horrible incident an equally stupid incident occured on the same bridge?

Yes, a mum jumped off that exact same bridge with her child in her arms. Prior to this I bet you never even heard of it?

Be very careful with the blood-sucking, child abusing, family destroying femynazis in the Family Court.


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