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Quick question. If I go to a restaurant that is byo can I bottle a couple of brews from my kegerator and take them with me? I cant see why not but maybe someone has done it before and knows, anyone??

Some restaurants advertise "BYO - wine only".
When I was a lot younger I took my GF to a fancy restaurant and we BYO a bottle of scotch. They let us drink it, but I don't think they were impressed...
Also, some / most charge "corkage" on BYO bottles, so those bottles of HB could still end up costing you $10+ each on your bill at the end of the night.
yea man, why not? Restaurants dont stipulate what 'brand' of beer you bring.

Just be sure to tell them not to lay your bottles down in the fridge. And of course dont let the waiter pour for you B)
If they allow BYO but also sell alcohol they will probably charge a fair bit to open them but if they are BYO only and do not sell alcohol you should be able to take anything you want.
The ones that stipulate 'wine only' can go and get fucked. What kind of illogical snobbery is that?

BYO, as far as I know means bring your own. No legal parameters on who made it.

Stick it in a labelled coopers bottle and you won't even have to worry.
The ones that stipulate 'wine only' can go and get fucked. What kind of illogical snobbery is that?

I dont think I have seen you swear before, manticle. But its warranted in this matter.

BYO wine only is a **** of a condition. They can eat my sweaty ballsack
@ tickle man, exactly. Bloody snobs. Some of them get a license only to sell beer and force you to buy their crappy beer.
Typically, they don't give a crap about what alcohol is available to drink. It regularly pissed me off about Indian restaurants in Melbourne. I'd not drink alcohol there at all.

Big and hairy.... Hehe. Tell them it's a special thing your mother's grandmother's sister's niece's son made for you as a birthday gift ;)
Thanks guys, I'll give it a bash ( in pet bottles)

I have taken the 700ml brown pet style bottles filled from the tap to many byo restaurants...

Never had an issue...


I dont think I have seen you swear before, manticle.


I must be doing well. I do my goshdarndest not to indulge in profanities, colloquialisms and vulgarity but sometimes the unwholesome nature of the state of things just irks me no end and I burst at the seams.

That's such a vegetarian comment to make. Have two steaks, and if pain persists, eat a sausage.
I'd tell you to **** off and eat cock, but that might play into your hands too much!
how do you think spin was made?? silo filmed it and cocko spun it. But he did have a heap of synthetic extentions on there so you could see it
I'm sorry. I hope you like your sausage ale. ;)

I heard a guy in the supermarket - don't worry Manticle it was an IGA - talking to a kid about the birthday present book they'd bought and how the kid hadn't liked it. Something about how "Willy wonka ... blah de blah ..." wasn't that good, etc.

Now he was trying to talk kiddy nonsense but he blatently used the word WANKER in the middle of it all, and everyone around looked at him and pretended he hadn't referred to masturbation in the morning in the middle of the day in front of everyone.

So I walked up to him and said.

"Mate only ***** talk about wankers in front of kids. You ****."

He agreed.