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I'm just jealous of the romance between you lovebirds :p that's all.
I'm just jealous of the romance between you lovebirds :p that's all.

... and how ******* happy does that goddamn cat look?!

Stoner cat says "meow"
I have tears rolling down my face.
This thread has given me some chuckles - Thankyou all.
The ones that stipulate 'wine only' can go and get fucked. What kind of illogical snobbery is that?

BYO, as far as I know means bring your own. No legal parameters on who made it.

Stick it in a labelled coopers bottle and you won't even have to worry.
Now if you were thinking logically (rather than swearing) you'd have suggested to bottle the home brew in a (labeled) wine bottle - that way it looks like wine not just another bottle of beer. ;)
I dont think I have seen you swear before, manticle. But its warranted in this matter.

BYO wine only is a **** of a condition. They can eat my sweaty ballsack

I third this one.

I can bring any kind of wine, but if I want beer I can choose between Boags' or Crown? Really, can I? Oh, I feel so ******* special, I get to choose what kind of beer! Oh, how will I ever decide! I'm so glad you're giving me a choice, how special! Ummm, ahh, umm, ooohh.....what KIND OF SHITE PALE LAGER WILL I HAVE, HOW THE **** WILL I MAKE MY MIND UP, OH GOD IT'S JUST SOOOO ******* EXCITING!!!!

Eat my arse, I'll just drink the good beer I bought and you just try to kick me out you fucker...
There's a little German BYO me and the missus go to. Great bloke makes most of his produce and loves good beer. He was half the reason I got into homebrewing because of the shit he kept putting on our local beer. He has a nice schnapps out the back too!
I've never had a problem at restaurants with a "BYO - Wine Only" policy.

Generally, if you pull out a nice vintage chimay or some other *special* beer that is

I figure what they really mean is "don't bring a slab of vb"
how offended do waiter/waitress' get when you ask if they have any good beer... the local steakhouse gets a cream ale made at the local brew4u and they serve it on tap....makes me very happy :)
For the definitive answer look up liqour licensing for your state. Its sets out the parameters. Usually its the dept of justice or similar.that has liquor licensing
i think the wine only BYO thing is actually stipulated by law, like its cheaper to obtain a BYO wine-only than an across-the-board/BYO everything licence. at least in QLD. totally pissed me off when i found out, i mean i can kinda understand that BYO spirits might be a bit anoying and perhaps even tricky from a RSA side of things, but why not lump wine and spirits into the same basket. beats me, except to encourage our soo sensitive wine industry, yea whilst our beer culture is just soo healthy what with aus killing it world-wide in the barley and wheat industry.

i say put your beer in a wine bottle if anyone cares, and dont tell the establishment.
Southern Tier Indian Cultural Association(STICA) ?

I know we are talking resturants but singling them out is a bit harsh lol

Indeed, Why, Cocko ? Why ?
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For the definitive answer look up liqour licensing for your state. Its sets out the parameters. Usually its the dept of justice or similar.that has liquor licensing

They are welcome to stipulate whatever they like provided it is clearly shown at the entrance to the venue or made aware, prior to ordering or acceptance, to the customer. I've taken wine, beer, spirits, mini kegs and full sized kegs before. Ask prior to be sure.

If you want to be a dick the " per person" byo has not unit limit per person. Some places have a vessel charge (for beer) but this should be no more than 50c per unit.