A little tip I heard a while ago.
Does anyone else get the thing where you make a nice flat round burger, not too thick, not too thin, and then when you cook it, it balls right up in the centre finishing up like a half round burger meatbally thing that just gets difficult to eat and all your **** falls off the top and out of it when you take a bite. Yep, annoying isn't it.
So to stop that, and pardon me if this is somewhat common knowledge cause it was a small miracle to me when I found out, all you gotta do is, before you put your pattie on the grill is make a small indent in the centre, some people use a spoon, some use their thumb, whatever. You don't have to punch a hole right through, just a small indent and that stops all that centre expansion keeping your pattie all nice and flat and round and harmonious to your other ingredients when it's all together between the bun. I employ the tactic all the time now to great effect, one of the best little tips I've ever heard, cause I do love a burger..... some would say a little too much but that's beside the point.
Anyway, hope some find this helpful...... and keep suckin' down those burgers, it's a complete meal, all squashed together in a convenient form. Doesn't get any easier. Oh, and by the way, I tried the three finger trick and I don't know if I'm some sort of Tyler/Jagger hybrid freak child but I can easy get four in sideways.