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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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AG #3
Was time this afternoon to rack this brew to CC jerry ;)

I had a brew in this jerry already so racked that to a keg and rinshed and soaked the jerry with bleach , then sterelized with orthophosphoric acid. :p

Take into the laundry and rack brew into it , start the racking and check AHB site , return , Doh tap on the CC jerry is open. :eek:

Several litres of brew all over the wifes floor , I've mopped it up but must be some under the washer , no comments as yet....but I don't think I am going to get away with this one :blink: :blink: :ph34r: :unsure:
Hmm bummer batz :( have become paranoid about the very same thing, always stay an dwatch it pass the tap.

Just don't let the ants lead your wife to the spill. :eek:
smells a bit beery in there :unsure:
The same thing just happened to me dammit :angry: But luckly I was filling mine in the sink.

If the wife gets suspicious, I think you will have to go out and do the old suck up job and buy her a nice St Valentines present. ;)
i know that feeling batz.

my first partial mash system, bucket in a bucket, decided to fall over on the floor as i was sparging. :(

mmmmm... 6 hrs later and the kitchen wasnt sticky anymore...

Batz said:
AG #3
Was time this afternoon to rack this brew to CC jerry ;)

I had a brew in this jerry already so racked that to a keg and rinshed and soaked the jerry with bleach , then sterelized with orthophosphoric acid. :p

Take into the laundry and rack brew into it , start the racking and check AHB site , return , Doh tap on the CC jerry is open. :eek:

Several litres of brew all over the wifes floor , I've mopped it up but must be some under the washer , no comments as yet....but I don't think I am going to get away with this one :blink: :blink: :ph34r: :unsure:
I would bet there are very few brewers who haven't done this at some stage. Bad luck, we learn best from our mistakes etc ;)
careful the washing machine doesnt blow up batz.

otherwise you may have to replace the pump with that nice new one you bought for it a while back ;) :D

big d :p
When i finished a complete AG Pale Ale, as i was transfering to the fermentor (eg the very end!!! of brew day) It sliped and went all over the grass. 1:30am it was at this stage i was sooo mad to waste it all. Spent the next day brewing it all again!!!

atleast i didn't need to clean up like you guys have coped
Hoped I would never be posting in one of these threads but .....

I planned to brew my Summer Saison tonight. The missus has to go out for a work dinner so I'm baby sitting.
Thought I'd rig up the HLT and have all the grains crushed and ready to go on Thurs night so when I came home on Friday it would be all go. Alas it has been one of those weeks (hardly even had time to read AHB posts).

So I get home tonight, no grains measured, no gear ready to go except a yeast starter. And I'm absolutely @*#&$(@ after a long week.

I spy a kit in the pantry that someone gave me a year ago, and I dig around and find some powdered dark malt extract, some Crystal liquid extract and I think mmmm a quick small boilup on the stove and I'll have some extra drinking stocks for when the Super12 starts.

Anyway long story short, the missus goes out, I've got the pot on the stove heating up and have added the rock hard dark malt extract to disolve, have the kitchen sink tap filling a container to throw in the freezer to cool down and my son falls off the couch. At the same time I look around and I have a boilover on the stove.

So the kitchen tap is overflowing the container, I have a boilover and a screaming 16 month old. I rapidly reach over to pull the pot off the heat and in doing so knock over my first pint of my Creamy Ale from the keg I tapped tonight. The beer goes all over the bench including the baby bottles my wife had only just earlier finished cleaning etc.


Pot off the heat, boilover burning on the element, beer all over the bench the baby bottles, 16 month old in my arms crying with a big bump on his head.


Ice on the boys head then bath time.

Now I've finally cleaned up the stove, the bench, the bottles. Water in the freezer cooling. Bringing it back to the boil slowly. Added some hops, and am about to pour another beer.

This better be a #(*#(@) good kit brew.

total bummer doc
bad hair day.
sounds like some brew sessions just werent meant to be.

looks like the beer gods had it in for you. :(

hope it turns out ok in the long run

big d

Sorry to hear about that...Not Good.

Bright side you have a name for the Beer...

BabyBoiloverBock...:) TIC
Thats a real bummer alright Doc. definately not good.
I had the bummer experience of leaving a tap open when racking not too long ago. luckily i was right there. still got under the washing machine.
darn bummers!!!!
Thanks Doc

I feel much better now :lol: :lol:
Tapped the keg of this brew on Thursday night.
I have aptly named it ******* Balls-up Bock.

And it is very ordinary. Will give it a couple of weeks but it may be a throw out job.

Well I just emptied the keg down the drain.
Only the second brew I've ever ditched.

Just not enjoyable to drink.
Will keg my Pilsner that has been cc'ing for the last 5 weeks tomorrow. Much much much more drinkable.

You're lucky (or better ;) my friend!

A month or so ago I tipped two of my four corney kegs down the drain! First time I'v had to throw it out :angry:

One was a pale ale but it tasted like butterscotch - whether it was technique or Bacillious(?) I'm not sure but I could not get rid of the excessive diacetyl.

The other was supposed to be a Bock. Let's just say it was more or a xxck. Still a lot more to learn I'm afraid.

Sorry to hear that Trev.
Tipping two kegs at the same time would be gut-wrenching.
Hope you are back on track now.

Seems my bad run in continuing.
Made up two starters on Tuesday night for this weekends brewing. One for my Stout and one for my Marzen-Oktoberfest. So far neither starter is showing any activity after 48 hours.
So I just made up two new starters using different yeasts which means if they take off I'll still be brewing the stout but will brew a wheat beer instead of the M-O'fest.

Fingers crossed these two start.

Just bringing this thread up again as its a good one for those BUMMERS.
A while back I had a Coopers stout in the bathroom cause its warmer, in secondary. Had around 23 litres.
Got home to find it had mysteriously gotten down to about 17 litres with telltale brown liquid around the washing machine and a malty smell around te place.
I suspect one of my rugrats had a bit of a play with the tap.
Missus swore she didnt see anything :) .
Oh and you know those airlocks with the 2 pieces that come apart. I have mysteriously lost the top to 4 of them in the last 6-7 months.
I've given up on those now.

My recent Bummer experience goes something like this.
I was waiting patiently for two new liquid yeasts to come from Adelaide recently and as one was an irish ale 1084 I was getting ready to do TDA's oatmeal stout.
They arrived all packed nicely in bubble wrap and I thought no time like the present to start the 1084 off so I could get on with the brew.
Well I grabbed the bubble wrap package and a pair of scissors and proceded to slit the tape with the pointy end of the scissors.
OK so now I know I should have put my glasses on so I could see what I was doing but the next thing was that the neat parcel felt wet and yes you guessed it I had speared the 1084 with the scissors.
I'll tell you that Murphy was working against me all the way with this oatmeal stout.
Well I grabbed a bottle of metho and tipped some on the damaged foil pack and sat it so no more yeast ran out of the pack and then got on the phone to Dave at Goliath's.
He told me to make a small wort and burst the nutrient bag inside and tip the whole lot into a bottle.( Thanks Dave )
Well it worked fine. I took a starter after two days and made the brew and grew the rest to make another five starters so some times you can be lucky.
Moral of the story - Wear my Glasses!!
Always have a good bummer to add :huh:

Decide to brew a mash/extract barleywine about 3 years ago. Whilst driving home from my HBS I turn a corner a little sharp and the lid decides to come off two of my 1kg tubs of LME sitting on the passenger seat (warmish day so the stuff was fairly runny). All over the seats and floor of SWMBO's new car. 3 years later I still see residues of the stuff everytime I clean her car. (That was my sentence) :blink:

What really got me into trouble was when the wife said... Look what you've done to my car *%$#@$ head... I think I then strained the relationship by asking her if I had time to go back to the HBS to replace the LME. :eek: :eek:

Warren -