I think i have been having an issue with wild yeast getting into some of my bottles so I have decided to put my priming sugar into boiling water to sterilize it. I plan on Largering the beer (its a pils) in a keg and then replacing the beer tap with a bottling wand and bottling after a month.
Here is the question, if i add the priming solution before i Larger, shake the **** out of the keg, will the sugar be evenly distributed after 4 weeks(I am assuming the yeast wont gobble any up at 1 C)?
I want to avoid shaking the keg before i bottle as I understand one of the benefits of Largering is getting all the proteins and dead yeast to drop out of solution and settle on the bottom of the keg. Am I headed for disaster?
Here is the question, if i add the priming solution before i Larger, shake the **** out of the keg, will the sugar be evenly distributed after 4 weeks(I am assuming the yeast wont gobble any up at 1 C)?
I want to avoid shaking the keg before i bottle as I understand one of the benefits of Largering is getting all the proteins and dead yeast to drop out of solution and settle on the bottom of the keg. Am I headed for disaster?