Piss off or Buy Me A Beer
Gelatine is by far the easiest and IMO the best bang for buck as a fining agent. Search "gelatine" on the search engine and have a read.
What finings are typically used?
Gelatine is by far the easiest and IMO the best bang for buck as a fining agent. Search "gelatine" on the search engine and have a read.
that was my take on it too chappo. I cant see that wasting a heap of time allowing the brew to come to ambient is worth it when it will work just as well straight out of the fridge but curiosity gets the better of me sometimes
that's what my thinking is, why warm the beer and allow CO2 to come out of solution when you only have to up your priming sugar to replace it
Good to know all that. I think it's just my misunderstanding in regards to bulk priming temperature. I once primed too low because I entered 2 degrees in my priming calculator owing to lagering.
Just to straighten it out - it's main primary ferment temp right?
Sorry for dumbth.
...the brain is a little rusty...
Why are people boiling their dextrose ? I just throw it straight into the racking barrel. Dont even mix with water first. Although I do add it in four stages, as the barrel is filling.
WHile on the topic, and to save a new thread. Im out of dex and need to bottle very soon. I have only ever used dextrose, but is plain old white sugar OK (I assume the rules of NO SUGAR IN BEER dont apply with such small quantities). Its either going to be that or those carb drops, as i cant get to a home brew shop before I need to bottle.
You mean from all the VB you and Butters have been drinking as of late don't you?h34r: