Bubbling Stout

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I am a newby to brewing and have a coopers stout on the go
recipe: 1 can coopers stout
1 Can thomas coopers dark malt
half kilo of dex
yest from stout kit
brew is bubbling maddly though the airlock any easy way to slow this down??? :unsure:
I am a newby to brewing and have a coopers stout on the go
recipe: 1 can coopers stout
1 Can thomas coopers dark malt
half kilo of dex
yest from stout kit
brew is bubbling maddly though the airlock any easy way to slow this down??? :unsure:

Yep, cool it down (fermentation fridge set to ~18C), but really it won't hurt much to let it run as is.

All my early brews did this (grew up in Townsville where it's always too hot), and quite a few of my more recent ones have had some airlock escape artist training too.

BTW sounds like a right nice brew too. Brew more worry less!
had a temp rise today due to weather, main thing is that all will be ok.
recipe is from coopers home brew site

cheers :beer:
Sounds good mate. Don't stress about the froth from the airlock.
You could rap a wet towel around the fermenter & turn a fan on it. That might cool it down ;)