Bribie G 10,000 Posts

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Beer Sloth
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only a few more posts to reach the magical 10,000 mark. has it been done before?
what happens when you reach 9999, does it reset like a car speedo 0000..back to 1 barrell..
congrats bribie, alot of good info/help in many of those posts. :icon_cheers:
Surely the repeats don't count??

Aldi Regal bottles ... Aussie Lager in a glass... biab hoist ... there must be more !!?

Surely the repeats don't count??

Aldi Regal bottles ... Aussie Lager in a glass... biab hoist ... there must be more !!?


The chinese maltose tubs.....
hey give the guy a break , he's given me some great advice along the way. :lol:
i take my hat off to people that go out of their way to help out the less experienced on this forum.
i now make beer that tastes like beer (works for me)and couldn't have done it without the coaching of same people.
so bribie g wot does happen? does your liver implode :p . :lol:
Maybe he vanishes into the aussiehomebrewer matrix and becomes 'the one'?

Bend the mash paddle Bribie, bend the mash paddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's might get handy with a drill and tubes and glue and lube and compression joints and... turn the Urn Bros into a 2v system to celebrate
Well done Bribie! Not for the post count for the advice and contribution to this forum!

Not bad for an old ******* BIAB'er! QLD'er ;)

Heres to seeing your 20,000 :icon_cheers:
Jack up the back of the Midnight Train and run it in reverse for a while... that'll be sure to get the post count back down :)
He's might get handy with a drill and tubes and glue and lube and compression joints and...

Your sexual deviations have no place in this thread.

turn the Urn Bros into a 2v system to celebrate
Why ? The system clearly works without multi-vesselism. See "Awards Desk" photo (seen somewhere on AHB) as you choke on your next stuck sparge.
My very own thread, I'm honoured guys. I've never been a particularly social person but home brewing and AHB in particular (and clubs of course) has really connected me to a lot of new friends and acquaintances over the last few years, not just "Facebook" type so called friends . I'd never have believed it when I picked up a can of Coopers Stout in a supermarket in 2008 :rolleyes:
What really makes me a bit sadd-ish is the people who have gone on to other things, like Swinging Beef, GravityGuru (still posts occasionally), Butters of course, even Mark^*******. It would be great to see them around the forum again.

I'll mark my 10,000 th , if Allah spares me, with a marathon recycled photo extravaganza :super:

One of the true helpful gentlemen and all round gurus of the forum. :icon_cheers:
ten, nine , eight,

the count down has begun !

nice work Bribie G :icon_cheers:
What really makes me a bit sadd-ish is the people who have gone on to other things, like Swinging Beef, GravityGuru (still posts occasionally), Butters of course, even Mark^*******. It would be great to see them around the forum again.

Butters is still brewing mate! And he is still as angry as ever! :lol:
Well 10,002 posts - I thought it was going to be 9,999 then like the Millenium bug/glitch - oh I guess it was!