Bribie G 10,000 Posts

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Rockin' !

Where's the awards mantle ?
Rockin' !

Where's the awards mantle ?

Aw shucks, ok then :p

And the greatest photo of all:



Well done M. Not a dud thread in any of the 10,000 :rolleyes: I remember that garage of yours well. All that dud cola down the drain. No doubt significantly contributed to global warming and if I can draw a long bow here, aiding the Liberal Party winning your electorate.
I met those two urns once. B)

Thanks for the quick recap down memory lane Bribie!

Here's to the next 10,000 :beerbang:
Absolute pisser of a thread! Great pics. Can we have the one of Sven touching Stephan (urn style)
10,000 posts.


glad your monitor didnt explode... :lol:
tour de france has a yellow jersey - maybe you should have the yellow barrells.
next up - manticle currently at 9662 posts, average - 9.16 a day.(bribie g - 8.59 a day).
so that puts an eta of 37 days from now.... 24 sept.
ps. loved the jackets on the urns.. :lol:
Those urns looks like they should be stealing a TV in Tottenham or something.......

Having met the infamous BribieG a couple of times and even partaken in his hospitality, I have to say he is a true gem in the AHB crown :p
I was very surprised the man didnt take out a QABC, then again what a mess for QLD. I hope Bribie, Bradsbrew, NickB, rdgeryn(ralph) go well in the nationals. How come Tidal Pete doesnt enter? is it a pensioner discount thing? Tell the bloody titeass too lift his game.
All the best boys.
At the risk of sour grapes - and this isn't just about me, the entire judging for the QABC was up the shit.

Due to illness and no shows a lot of people didn't turn up and due to being short staffed the judging had to go over 2 weekends. Because of the "carpet bombing" nature of this competition, the categories that most of the people could judge in were simply the categories in which they hadn't entered themselves.
It was nothing to do with whether they knew jack shit about Belgians for example, the only qualification to judge the Belgians was the ability to read the BJCP guide and the fact that you had not entered a Belgian yourself.

Now that's fine if there are plenty of knowledgeable judges you can bounce things off on the day - and in previous years we had the Canberra mob came up and helped, or even a couple of American judges honoured us with their presence.

However this year we were down on the bones of our arses and I got the impression that many of the people had NFI about the style they were judging. Take my case, for example, the barley wines were the first to pass my lips since I used to drink Whitbreads barley wine nips when Pink Floyd were just getting a go on.

I believe that the six-beers restriction should be applied to the QABC competition, either that or do a big push during the year for competent judges to be lined up / trained. In my case, I'd be more than happy to study BJCP if there were sufficient people and resources locally to let me do so.

With so many people getting into AG, if something isn't done then the QABC and NATS are going to become progressively more sidelined and irrelevant.

Edit: the comps could become like the dog shows I entered when I used to breed fox terriers - they weren't so much about improving and refining the breeds, more a pissing contest amongst an in-crowd.
Probably a bit of a shame, disaster. I dont ness agree re. the category and experience thing. He/You can read guidelines, he/has can brew many styles, he/ has a fair understanding of hops,malt, yeast.
Throw em to the wolves and let the circa of 3 judges sort the shit from the clay.

What are good judges? A SA tries his hardest to spread the highest card everytime and waffle his way thru by writing irrelevant rubbish all over the sheet and the back, IMO he is a try hard I dont want part of, I could blast on and on. I see progressive brewers somewhat forsaking the judging critique because there are very few that could be bothered outside of the clique clubs, those clubs dont provide the end all and be all.

Brew beer, brew some beer, enter a comp etc etc. Its pretty easy that a definitive market audience exists for competitions, its a little sad watching person after person walking away.

Ohhh BTW, Manticle is nearing 10,,000, sort of know the guy B) , waffles on, had a great Vicbrew2011.

Lift your game great man.
Kinf od O/T...? Err...maybe not...

Not blowing wind up BribieG's arse - I disagree with almost as much as I agree with on AHB in general, but I have had maybe 7 great revelations since going all grain, and at least 3 of them have come from the Bribie Island guru -kudos where it is due - even if you do quote J.S. Mill way too often for my liking...
Yes gotta love that JS Mill:

Utilitarianism: the ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

wow, utilitarianist beer judges - weed them out I say, weed them out
I just noticed the good man Manticle is about to crack the 10,000 mark.
Tissues and porkspinning, great, this place has gone to the dogs :wacko:
Not this time pal....

Your linkage is becoming a no go zone for me.

Gees, I just keep digging a deeper hole don't I. Me no post till' I'm off the GF beers I think