Brewpubs / Craft Beer In Greece

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Hey Guys. I will be traveling to Greece in May for my wife's work junket, and I was wondering if anyone here has been there. We will be staying on Crete for about a week, and I was hoping maybe there was some decent beer there.

I already have the SCUBA diving sorted out, but can't find much about the beer there.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Guys. I will be traveling to Greece in May for my wife's work junket, and I was wondering if anyone here has been there. We will be staying on Crete for about a week, and I was hoping maybe there was some decent beer there.

I already have the SCUBA diving sorted out, but can't find much about the beer there.

Any help would be appreciated.

crete is all about tsikoudia, aka grappa, and the food

make sure you ask for some 'dakos', its crusty barley bread softened with some water, grated fetta, grated fresh tomato and drizzled with olive oil and a bit of oregano

i dont know of anything 'craft beer' in crete, but as for the usual suspects, amstel, heineken, kaiser

the hellenic brewed heineken is quite drinkable, especially during hot greek summers

enjoy the trip, i'm jealous already :icon_cheers:
crete is all about tsikoudia, aka grappa, and the food

make sure you ask for some 'dakos', its crusty barley bread softened with some water, grated fetta, grated fresh tomato and drizzled with olive oil and a bit of oregano

i dont know of anything 'craft beer' in crete, but as for the usual suspects, amstel, heineken, kaiser

the hellenic brewed heineken is quite drinkable, especially during hot greek summers

enjoy the trip, i'm jealous already :icon_cheers:

Thanks Don, I'll be sure to try this!
I lived in Greece for a bit and the father in law still lives in Pireas

Bugger all good beer around, or none that i found. You have 2 choices Amstel or Heinikens. Amstel is also cheaper to haha

There are the odd different style of beers but no craft brewers or anything to get excited about. From what I gathered they are all more about food than booze. They were always shocked at how much i drank haha

Be very careful when getting vodkas and stuff at clubs etc though!!! A lot of places dont serve nips, they serve u half vodka half mixer. U get all excited about how much more u r getting, but they call it bombas, slang for homemade $hit and when i say home made i mean anything cheap and nasty to give u a buz. If your having a big night on the sauce order a bottle of spirits, untouched, uncracked yourself. The islands are notorious for it. Sure u get blind but it messes with ur head. Some nights are awesome, some nights u feel like u've drunk bundy all night and want to punch on every drink, some nights u just want to break down in tears. I have never experienced anything like it bar the islands in greece and now I know why my wife warned me. Dangerous stuff and god does it hurt more the next day.
A very 'tasty' Greek beer, :lol: Seafood? ;) 06_Worst_Product_Names_vergina_beer_lifestyle.jpg
Yeah, it is looking pretty sparse for craft beer... Still trying to decide is I am going... Better decide SOON!
Do it!
August is best time, as most of the locals are on holidays to, so good atmosphere, everyones happy and clubs are pumping
Although the father in law says its all very depressing over there atm with the economy and stuff, noone has any money and the government is bleeding everyone dry tax wise if u do have money
but summer is awesome there
Looks like I am going to give this trip a miss. It's the wife's first work trip with a new area of Gov, and she has no idea how much free time she is going to have. It looks like she will be doing a lot of traveling, so we will do Turkey next year. Thanks to everyone that replied!

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