I'll be placing my Wyeast order this weekend. If there is anything special you need let me know ASAP.
The private collection for this month is new, see below.
Cheers Steve
[SIZE=medium]Wyeast 1217-PC West Coast IPA[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Beer Styles:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]American IPA, Imperial IPA, American Brown & Red Ales, Scottish Ales[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Profile:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]This workhorse strain is ideally suited to the production of west-coast style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialty ales. Thorough attenuation, temp tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with. Flavor is balanced to neutral with mild ester formation at warmer temperatures, allowing hops, character malts, and flavorings to show through.[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Wyeast 2352-PC Munich Lager II[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Beer Styles:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Munich Helles and Dunkel, Oktoberfest/ Märzen, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Traditional Bock, Maibock/Hellesbock, Dopplebock, Eisbock[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Profile:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]An excellent choice for the malt-driven lager styles of Bavaria, or other styles where a clean and malt-forward profile is desired. Compared to Wyeast 2308, 2352-PC produces less diacetyl and sulfur during fermentation; combined with its good flocculation and rapid maturation, quick turnaround with this strain is possible on many systems.[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Wyeast 9097-PC Old Ale Blend[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Beer Styles:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Strong Ale, Old Ale, English Barleywine, Historic English Ales, Wood Aged Beers[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]Profile:[/SIZE] [SIZE=small]A custom blend containing an attenuative ale strain along with a proportion of Brettanomyces to replicate historic styles which would have picked up funk during extended aging. 9097-PC will ferment well in high-gravity worts, producing fruity beers with great complexity. The Brettanomyces character adds a pie cherry-like flavor and sourness which will increase with age[/SIZE]