Brewing study / Brewing courses

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Hi All!

Just wondering if anyone knows of any short courses based around brewing?

I know University of Ballarat has a course (goes for 2 years!), but I haven't really been able to find anything else.

Can anyone suggest one which is beneficial, or even any quality books to read to help with my home brewing?

Have a look at
I have never done it personally but have heard good things from people who have.

Also what level of books or reading have you previously read. To help you out with ideas.
Have you checked the TAFE colleges? I know one here does a course so worth looking into in your local area.
The local TAFE here doesn't have a course unfortunately...

I haven't read any books as such, just bits and pieces. What I have learnt so far has been from reading the forums, asking questions, youtube, James Spencer podcast / video's, beersmith podcasts etc.

I'll check out that website too - Cheers jimmy.
Xander I see your in Albury, why not ask the crew at Cheeky Peak. They may be able to point you in the right direction or hold an info course.
They seem to be a reasonable sized operation.
Hey mate,

if you fancy a trip to the UK, and the delights of Sunderland! Brewlab does a 10 week course twice a year. Limited to 12 students when I did it.
They also offer shorter courses.
You can also pop over to Newcastle for a bit of Brewdog fun on the weekends.
Will cost you a bit, but its cheaper and from everyone I've spoken to better than the Siebel one...
Depends how serious you are... In my opinion you can **** around for years reading websites trying to sort out who actually knows what they're talking about, or you can pay your money and skip all that trash time.... One of the guys I did the course with was a novice brewer and then went and opened a brewpub in Tokyo...

Good Luck!
I've hit up NSW TAFE multiple times about a brewing course and they've said the best they can do for now is the Viticulture courses
Though they said they'll investigate for possible courses in the future
Hey Mombuis - That would be a great course to do. I can't see it happening though, but if the opportunity comes up, I'd be a happy boy!

Thanks for the comments / feedback.

Any go to books you could recommend?
Check out IBD (international Brewers & Distillers) website. They offer brewing fundamentals course and general cert. in brewing courses. All by correspondence.
Check out the University of Oklahoma's on-line Chemistry of Beer Course. It runs for 8 weeks and there is a thread on this forum about it.

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