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hi there i want to order this has anyone brought a Brewie i would like to know how long it took how did you pay and over all whats it like thanks
$1800 delivered according to site..No lifting just connect to water and power...programming too
Mr Wibble said:
Half of my brewing time is spent cleaning.
Yep, there's a lot of time spent cleaning and brewing, but what about the time it takes to consume the stuff when it's ready?
If only there was a machine to help out with that task........."The Freeloader" perhaps. :chug:
These things kind of defeat the purpose of brewing for me.

I enjoy the process. If all you do is pour ingredients into a machine and press a button then all the love is removed.

It's not much of a hobby if a machine automates it all for you. I think that it fills a weird space in the market.
You still get to buy ingredients, design recipes, crack the grain, weigh out the hops, make your yeast starter, control fermentation, keg / bottle and enjoy your beer. If it means saving 4 - 5 hours stuffing around on a brewday which is mostly spent waiting for stuff to happen then I'm all for it.

I'd like to see one in the flesh before handing over my hard earned though.

DU99 said:
$1800 delivered according to site..

Plus $250 for shipping to Aus. That's around $2795 in AUD$ More than a Braumeister.
Phoney said:
You still get to buy ingredients, design recipes, crack the grain, weigh out the hops, make your yeast starter, control fermentation, keg / bottle and enjoy your beer. If it means saving 4 - 5 hours stuffing around on a brewday which is mostly spent waiting for stuff to happen then I'm all for it.

I'd like to see one in the flesh before handing over my hard earned though.

Plus $250 for shipping to Aus. That's around $2795 in AUD$ More than a Braumeister.
Yeah tru dat,

I'm, just bitter cause there is no way the wife would ever approve such a purchase. She won't even approve a Robobrew wich is less than 1/5th the cost.
Brewies and similar things will always attract a section of market.

The conversation, with poorly timed English dubbing.
"Here, try my pale ale. I brewed it myself."
"Mmmm, that's refreshing. You really know your beer."
"Yes, it's just a little hobby I like to dabble in, one of many."
"Cheers to you my good friend."

No emotion, no brewing zen.
No yóu zhōng. Very bad for your healthy, your Chi begin suffer, you very pale not enough ale, drink more All grain Stout, better for your healthy!
wide eyed and legless said:
Who's wearing the mane in your house you or her
I think it has more to do with my track record of purchase decisions rather than any marital hierarchy.

Let just say...

Stouter said:
"Yes, it's just a little hobby I like to dabble in, one of many."
Lionman said:
These things kind of defeat the purpose of brewing for me.

I enjoy the process. If all you do is pour ingredients into a machine and press a button then all the love is removed.

It's not much of a hobby if a machine automates it all for you. I think that it fills a weird space in the market.
So how much love remains in a beer brewed by a Braumeister or PID controlled 3V system?
With young kids, I love the idea that I can still create a brew, and be able to spend time with them whilst it is happening. Hell, if I'm organised, it could be ready for fermentation after work.
Dave70 said:
So how much love remains in a beer brewed by a Braumeister or PID controlled 3V system?
They all suck because I can't have one. :blink:

Actually, the cleanliness of the system is a major selling point.

If I manage to not get the floor sticky the wife would be happy.

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