Brewferm Beer Kits

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Hi there,

I was hoping that anyone who is having a go at brewing brewferm beer kits, or other beligian style beers for that might post on this thread what they've done and what has worked.

So far I have brewed the triple brewferm kit and am currently brewing the gallia kit. I noticed when I put the triple on a very pleasant fruity aroma coming from the fermentor which pleased my dog no end (he sleep where I keep the fermentor so usually has to put up with that standard not so pleasant smell).

I also noticed it began fermenting almost immediatedly. I didn't use the proper belgian candy sugar.

For the Gallia I did use the proper belgian candy, but found it quite difficult to dissolve. (its like boiled lollies).

I was going to try the diablo or christmas brews, but ESB were out. I'm also keen to try the Ambiorix ( I think its got something to do with all the Asterix and Obelix cartoons I read as a kid).

Let me know how you go,

I have yet to do a brewferm so have no helpful comments for that. It sounds like the trippel went well. It's so satisfying when the fermentation starts quickly. :D

I'm not sure which of the candi sugars you used, but I have read in several places that they are essentially not much different to cane sugar, so it may be better to save your money and use some standard sugar instead.


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