Brewersdiscount - A Bit Of A Shock

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FWIW, from my reading, i thought one of 2 things had happened, one they hadnt sent it or second they figure the times spent agueing isnt worth the fuss so they just send the kegs anyway. Replacement isnt always an admission of guilt.

I hope he has already put them in the post though, for your sake!
The +++ out weigh the - - - at the moment, lets hope he comments!
Sent Matt another email (just for the hell of it...I expect no reply).

Reading his feedback on eBay it seems the more recent it gets the more bad feedback per page he receives.

I must say I had some great dealings with Matt before my latest ongoing fact the only problem I had before that was with a bung keg he replaced for free, which I was very happy about.

Times change I suppose :(

Replacement isnt always an admission of guilt.

Pharmboy - you have perhaps missed the point here. I am not so concerned about the messed up transaction. I am concerned that a grown adult in a business calls his clients "pieces of sh*t" if things don't quite work out. There's no excuse for it. I'm writing here so that others can know about this aspect of his character before considering a purchase from him. Do with the information what you will. If you still order from him, at least you do it armed with all the knowledge.

It looks as though Matt has no intention of commenting here. It's a shame. It would've been nice to see him demonstrate the courage to do so.

PistolPatch ... :beer: cheers!
Hi there FB,

I remember your endorsements when I picked some stuff up at your house. It was one of the reasons I went the big step of buying from him. I noticed you've been having troubles recently too.

bloody hell! Hope it all works out!
mongo said:
Hi there FB,

I remember your endorsements when I picked some stuff up at your house. It was one of the reasons I went the big step of buying from him. I noticed you've been having troubles recently too.

bloody hell! Hope it all works out!

Now I feel really bad after recommending a seemingly good seller...sorry dude :(

I hope it all works out for you after paying for 6 kegs! :blink:
I'll be keeping well away from there.. thanks for the heads up.
In the land of "dude i'll sue you", "no damn you i'll sue you first" I'd have thought seppos would have learned how to pull their head in way before now. Sure there have been 'miscommunications' in the past, but Matt seemed to have made a decent effort to make amends....

This dude? no way, no abuse was offered by the buyer, then he gets a mouthful of manure when questioning an outcome, "I don't loike it"

Dunno if the ombudsman would look at it, I think he's internal only. Pepsico incorporated? you bet! public image is everything to those guys, I reckon any company with 'Pepsi' in its name is owned by pepsi.

Those nice chaps at 'Quirks' who made and sold me my fridge? owned totally by Coke. They are all too wary of doing the wrong thing in "the name of thy Coke"

I bet you my next four decent brews that any co. that has 'Pepsi' in its name is owned by pepsi.

Try a step up the ladder, if that doesnt work try another...

Go f*ck yourself, assh*le. What I don't need is a piece of sh*t like you giving me more sh*t when I tried my best to rectify the situation. Don't email back, your emails are spam sh*thead.

Matthew Chitiea

Pepsi Equip

To quote a seppo "******"... you did not ask for the order for free, you asked what was a better deal for being asked to wait X amount of months for no show... Would it kill that business to chuck in 'something' for their 'f#^kup?.

Gee I thought this Mat (intended one T) was Ok!

I tend to think those who take thy of of Pepsi in vain tend to not work for thy master longer than thy master knoweth of such sacriledge.

(Sorry to the religous types out there, but if you knew these co's (Pepsi and Coke) they thinketh they are devine.)
Now I feel really bad after recommending a seemingly good seller...sorry dude

Ah no! I was grateful for the advice, and will no doubt seek future advice from you. The reason I mentioned your endorsements was that I was agreeing with you that things have in fact changed.

Thanks FB!

PS - the insulated boxes are working a treat
Gooday Mongo
Looks like you have had a hell of a problem. I must say that no commercial enterprise should ever tell a customer to go F*** themselves. It aint good for business.
Cheers Altstart
Good on ya Mongo
Will be watching that yank forum, too see how they react to "machuro man"
my bet is he'll go pretty quite on this one, might even be out looking for another job right now :blink:
Jye said:
mongo, Try taking it up with Paypal's Resolution Centre, it may help :(
PayPal's resolution centre is a joke for overseas users. There's something like a 30-day (or maybe 60-day) window for filing a complaint -- go over that, and you're screwed. Of course, for overseas customers getting stuff by sea mail, you don't know there's a problem until several months have passed.

mongo -- thanks for posting on BrewBoard. We appreciate getting info like that BEFORE people lose their money. :)

I missed the start of this or I would have posted earlier.

Sorry to hear about your problems. As you said I ordered in November & haven't seen anything. I got one reply from Matt early in the piece to say not to worry he remembered my order, it was definitely in the system & just be patient. Since then nothing & no responses. Fortunately my account hasn't been debited yet so as far as I'm concerned all I've lost is my expectations.

However your experience has been a lot worse & based on that I certainly won't be bothering dealing with this mob again. Matt's response was totally inappropriate & unprofessional & seemed completely out of character with his previous postings here. Did he think you'd keep it to yourself & not post it here?

FWIW I emailed BD about an order of kegs about 3 weeks ago & he told me they were reconsidering if it was worth shipping to Aus because somebody had defaulted on an order payment. With the volume of business they do here (on this list alone) that struck me as odd to pull the whole thing because of one order, but it's their call I guess.

BTW to my knowledge they are not connected to Pepsi in any way other than they buy up the used gear, so don't bother going there.

Good luck with it.

I find this so sad :( :( I have had good service from Matt in the past. :unsure: :(
bindi Posted Today, 01:55 PM
I find this so sad I have had good service from Matt in the past.

He has had a great reputation. I find it sad too, as I was saving up to get a second order from him.

mongo -- thanks for posting on BrewBoard. We appreciate getting info like that BEFORE people lose their money

pleasure cj. Thanks for visiting!
RobW - glad to hear that you haven't beed debited yet.
Hope things work out for you on the keg front.

what a sh!tfight, i agree with a previous post, would the bloke have the cojones to speak like that in person ?

i doubt it, good luck with it.
