Good words mate, appreciate it.
I actually work with a bloke on a Greenstar type job, deals with this stuff (commercially) every day, has left me to sort it out, but has offered gread advice on how it all works as well, certainly been a learning curve to get to grips with it all.. what really doesnt help is the flooded market with so many new names (that may well be old names for a reason) on the block.
There's more to it than just the Inverter and the panels, space, aspect, tilt frames, frames of the panels, the list goes on and becomes all consuming. Between him and much forum browsing, you get to know the tide (reminds me of somewhere.. not sure where.. or how I started on AG
He also gave me a well handy spreadsheet, (find attached for future fun in the sun lovers) he said to keep in mind the distance start to start of the panels should not be less than (usually) 1800? (will confirm that number).. anyay.. it does stuff, youll sort it out.
It's an interesting journey and with a split in the back pocket of between $6.9k and $10k its well worth the research to get to know what is right for you.
Just to be clear, for me, Im a single story, flat roof, facing North East.. and plenty of roof space, I can look at this "grid" setup as a first step, the other half of this will be a battery system.. there is time for that though.. one step at a time.
View attachment PV calculations Jesse.xlsx