Brewers Droop

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My friend who has been brewing for some time recently complained (after a few home brews) that he had been experiencing "brewers droop" of late. I asked for details but he wouldn't elaborate.

Have any others expereinced this? Is it unpleasant and how is it best avoided?

I'm new to brewing so woudl liek to know the pitfalls before continuing.
Urban myth mate, disregard.

Scare factor = 0
If he means what I think he does tell him that homebrew actually causes pregnancy. Twice in my case. And if I try to sneak another one past the goalie my wife has promised to neuter me with a dull shears. :p
I have the reverse, my missus wants another rugrat, i'm drinking like a madman but i don't suffer from brewers droop she is winning so far....
I actually quit drinking from around 1994 to 1999 and joined AA but discovered (when my son was diagnosed and I got diagnosed as well) that I actually have an Autistic spectrum disorder and had been drinking heavily to medicate my symptoms. When I got insight into my (as it turns out fairly common and not too bad) 'condition' I started drinking again, happily it was on holiday in the UK and I gave the real ale a nudge, and on returning home continued drinking but without the self destructive pattern I had been in previously.

I should also point out that - until I met present SWMBO of course - I was a sinnin' man, and have considerable experience of both sober and drunken sinnin' and am pleased to report not much difference at all.

PS this is a good thread but mods should really have it moved to 'the pub'.
it's a myth. Everyone knows beer has been successfully getting ugly people laid for centuries.
I actually quit drinking from around 1994 to 1999 and joined AA but discovered (when my son was diagnosed and I got diagnosed as well) that I actually have an Autistic spectrum disorder and had been drinking heavily to medicate my symptoms. When I got insight into my (as it turns out fairly common and not too bad) 'condition' I started drinking again, happily it was on holiday in the UK and I gave the real ale a nudge, and on returning home continued drinking but without the self destructive pattern I had been in previously.

I should also point out that - until I met present SWMBO of course - I was a sinnin' man, and have considerable experience of both sober and drunken sinnin' and am pleased to report not much difference at all.

PS this is a good thread but mods should really have it moved to 'the pub'.

Just out of interest, how much per day did or do u consider "destructive" drinking?

Just out of interest, how much per day did or do u consider "destructive" drinking?


Cask of lambrusco B) . Beer just didn't do it for me. Not interested in wine any more, tastes like petrol to me. I hear people banging on about Merlot and Hermitage etc and smile.
Just out of interest, how much per day did or do u consider "destructive" drinking?


Its a personal judgement call but I would not ask Kevin Rudd.

Cheers Altstart
Just out of interest, how much per day did or do u consider "destructive" drinking?


Are you asking how many drinks or how many sins per day ? I'm keen to hear the latter !
First post by a new user... about brewers droop... suffered by his "friend"... ducatiboystu is that you?
Scientific research confirms:

Man gets Fosters Flop from Drinking.. :(
Woman gets Horny from Drinking.. :D

True story..
ffs if you haven't worked it out by now, may aegor help you. seriously.
Cask of lambrusco B) . Beer just didn't do it for me. Not interested in wine any more, tastes like petrol to me. I hear people banging on about Merlot and Hermitage etc and smile.

you used to drink a 4/5 l. cask of lambrusco a day?
It`s a wonder your liver didn`t disintergrate with that sort of punishment. :wacko:

Yes my liver enzymes were a bit of a worry for a while, but I get them checked regularly with the cholesterol etc and they are fine now. Liver has great powers of regeneration :)

Back on topic when I gave up the grog at that time I was 43 and living with a drop dead 23 year old redhead (she later left me for a 49 y.o.) so I can confirm that the sinnin' proceeded as normal ;)

Brewers Droop is not a new phenonemon

Let us look to Shakespeare and Macbeth

The porter says to Macduff


What three things does drink especially provoke?


Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and
urine. Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes;
it provokes the desire, but it takes
away the performance
: therefore, much drink
may be said to be an equivocator with lechery:
it makes him, and it mars him; it sets
him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him,
and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and
not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him
in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.


I believe drink gave thee the lie last night.

So there you go.

Hope your "friend" is ok now

you used to drink a 4/5 l. cask of lambrusco a day?
It`s a wonder your liver didn`t disintergrate with that sort of punishment. :wacko:


not that I think we're on an AA forum, I am only 25 but used to regularly smash a 5L cask of Kaiser Stuhl (10 bucks) in one sitting. I would be absolutely written off, but when you're poor and you only need a tenner to get you this smashed, :beerbang:

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