Brewday Rituals

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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
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South Australia
At the beginning of a brewday, I like to sit back and enjoy a Coopers vintage. I haven't been doing it for long (the last 6 batches), but it looks like a little ritual I will stick with.

Does anyone else have brewday rituals they do?
im a early AM brewer so I have eggs and bacon, cup of coffee.. have the HLT heating up on a auto switch while sleeping/eating breakfast..

then I have about 4 more cups off coffee during the brew this stops me from drinking beer in the AM..
What time do you start brewday P&C, No need for Weet Bix :p
I usually pump Dark Side of The Moon when bottling down in the garage. Its my bottling ritual that I've followed for the past 2 years :super:

I find it helps to align the brewrig so it points at Townsville.
Doesn't hurt to sacrifice a small amount of Chinese hops to appease the Guru gods either.

I don't drink any beer on brewing days until the first addition of hops go in. Like most rituals (other than cleaning and sanitation) it is nonsense, but I don't dare mess with it.

1. Well I usually email the missus at home to get her to turn on the HLT before I leave for the day, otherwise the water is cold when I get home! :lol: (sometimes I use the timer)

2. Other rituals? Double check the recipe online. Check I actually have the hops in the Freezer!

3. Pour a pint after the crush and mash in...

4. Being summer I then tend to the Hop plants, or do some other gardening / reno stuff around the house.
Like crundle, I tend not to have beer til the first hop addition.
And if I'm well enough prepared and dont need an emergencies run to TWOC, I can often be seen running between the brew shed and the house in my jocks. Certainly not a mental image anyone wants, but it's true :p I was almost considering the name "Pants Off Brewing".
I also spend a bit of time making sure everything is ready the night before, so I can go straight in and get it done on brew day. It's kind of like getting everything ready for work the night before :p
I chuck the iPod on the dock and hit shuffle.
I drink mass amounts of Coke Zero.
I carry a Rowe Scientific timer with me EVERYWHERE.
I almost always trip over the dog.
I triple check everything.
Mitch :)
im a early AM brewer so I have eggs and bacon, cup of coffee.. have the HLT heating up on a auto switch while sleeping/eating breakfast..

then I have about 4 more cups off coffee during the brew this stops me from drinking beer in the AM..
Another morning brewer here.... HLT set on timer, I get up at about 5ish, mash in, then go back to bed.
I usually pump Dark Side of The Moon when bottling down in the garage. Its my bottling ritual that I've followed for the past 2 years :super:

My God Man you're showing your age

Ticking away the moments that make up a brew day? :lol:

Me I climb up onto the chair and suspend a hangman's noose from the skyhook (for the BIAB bag) and hope the neighbours don't call Lifeline again.
I have just made the switch from brewing in the morning to starting after lunch. So far it has worked out well in that I can get more done in the day, as I'm much more productive before a brew session than I am after it for some reason!

most of the times i brew in the morning (not insanely early) a civilised 9-11 start. sit down have a coffee enjoy it, pull up a playlist usually consisting of Tool, Nightwish, Spineshank and Nine Inch Nails, then i brew.

i think the worse thing is i have the mill mounted to the workbench in the garage and in summer the place gets hot early in the morning, sun on roller door or something so the later i leave it the hotter it is when i grind out ~10k of grain.

never organised enough to do it the night before :p
My God Man you're showing your age

Ticking away the moments that make up a brew day? :lol:

Me I climb up onto the chair and suspend a hangman's noose from the skyhook (for the BIAB bag) and hope the neighbours don't call Lifeline again.

Haha that's it, it never disappoints. Not showing my age at all haha I'm only 19 but such a great album. :beerbang:
I start whenever SWMBO and the the little terror go out to do the shopping, then the stereo get put on real loud, and I crank some metal, usually Metallica.
A cup of coffee and a good :blink: dump does it for me.

Warren -
Haha that's it, it never disappoints. Not showing my age at all haha I'm only 19 but such a great album. :beerbang:
:icon_offtopic: Cross posting with the "What are you listening to?" thread, am currently listening to The Flaming Lips remake of "Dark Side of the Moon". It's a little disconcerting hearing such classic melodies and vocals being f*cked with, but it kinda works. Only first listen, so will see if it grows on me.

Back on topic, I brew at night, once the munchkins go to bed, but thanks to BIAB and no-chill can still be tucked up in bed by midnight. And I have never started a brew session without a beer in my hand.

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