They are out to get butters too......
Airlock and bubbles? Hmmm. I go one the 10 day rule - no less than 10 days in the fermenter, and generally between 10 and 14. Perhaps they're out to get all of us :unsure:
- boingk
They are out to get butters too......
To lend an example I hate Bunnings with a passion not because of what they are but what they have become. When they started out they employed Tradesman in their respective departments, plumbers in plumbing, carpenters in hardward/tools, sparkies in electrical. Generally they were Tradespersons (politically correct) in the latter part of their working life but a wealth of knowledge and skill. I enjoyed shopping there as I could ask for a widget and I would recieve my widget with some friendly advice. Then they started employing kids and or people with no knowledge of building who basically didn't know their ass from their tits because they were cheap labour. The place bombed for me from there on.
To lend an example I hate Bunnings with a passion not because of what they are but what they have become. When they started out they employed Tradesman in their respective departments, plumbers in plumbing, carpenters in hardward/tools, sparkies in electrical. Generally they were Tradespersons (politically correct) in the latter part of their working life but a wealth of knowledge and skill. I enjoyed shopping there as I could ask for a widget and I would recieve my widget with some friendly advice. Then they started employing kids and or people with no knowledge of building who basically didn't know their ass from their tits because they were cheap labour. The place bombed for me from there on.
To lend an example I hate Bunnings with a passion not because of what they are but what they have become. When they started out they employed Tradesman in their respective departments, plumbers in plumbing, carpenters in hardward/tools, sparkies in electrical. Generally they were Tradespersons (politically correct) in the latter part of their working life but a wealth of knowledge and skill. I enjoyed shopping there as I could ask for a widget and I would recieve my widget with some friendly advice. Then they started employing kids and or people with no knowledge of building who basically didn't know their ass from their tits because they were cheap labour. The place bombed for me from there on.
Anyway my point is they could do so much better than what they are. Would it not be beneficial if the MD of Brewcraft spent 1 day trawling this site. I am sure that they would scrap that book of theirs and make it maditory to lurk these threads.
BTW Beerfinger: pfft! Pulling off the stickers was no where near as much fun as pulling the cube apart and reassembling in the right order! :lol:
To lend an example I hate Bunnings with a passion ....................
:icon_offtopic: Went to Bunnings the other week to get a new electric whippersnipper, and in the aisle sitting on a crate on her fat bum, punching codes into her hand held was a 30 something rapidly heading for 40 Bunnings lady parked right in front of the snippers. I stood there for a minute. No reaction. "Excuse Me" I got the dragon look of cold death. "I'd like to have a look at that model"... She leaned to one side to let me get it off the rack and went back to keying. I was going to report her but reckoned she was probably suffering from her biological clock ticking away and was only there to pay for the IVF or something. Poor lass.
on topic: our LHBS only sells kits and a bit of dex, LDME etc. He makes most of his money selling stills and rum essence
Huh.......I would of just said "Get out of the ****** way will ya".
my local is a brewers choice in ennogera, im currently living in everton park and its probably a 15 min drive or 25 by bus. they stock most of the brewcraft kits as well as the morgans range and the ezibrew fresh worts. ive walked in with bugger all ideas about what to brew and come out with a brewcraft belgian ale kit a new yeast and some decent advice, had a chap on here and churned out a nice little belgian strong dark ale, its no red duck or la trappe quaddrupel but its goes down well. And again ive walked in with a complete recipe and walked out with exactly what i wanted.
my other local that i no longer support knew i was a newbie and gave me advice and ingredients that i knew nothing about that ended up as a pretty average beer at best.
I probably would have tacked a "you fat, sterile, busted .......