Newguy - The article says its posisble to leach lead into the wort. It does not say its bad or that is has any flavour inpact.
Darren - I am quite sure that over hopping is not the problem. One brew I made, beer smith quoted it at 9.8 IBU, from experience, I think with my system, the beer smith estimation needs to be multiplied by about 1.45 to get the true value, and it was veyr bitt and gruesome. It is not at all like hop bitterness. It is very harsh and does takes a lot longer to go away.
I think that may be assumed Pip. Lead = Bad. Think of the Roman Empire.
I think it was Colonel Mustard, with the Lead Piping , in the Study...(or Brew Shed)...While having nothing of substance to add to this thread, I've just read it ALL (no joke) from beginning to where the plot currently thickens, and I'd have to say it's the best who-done-it I've come across in a long long while. Keep posting Pip!! :super:
I am quite sure it is not a metal ion problem as the only non-stainless metals are the copper elements and one breass fitiing in the HLT, neither of which look remotely shiny. Akthough the brass fitting looks quite black. I have a friends who has brass in his kttle and it looks the same, but his beers tast efine
It seems at this stage I have narrowed it down to either something in my HLT, mash tun or the mashing cycle. I still think it sounds like astringency from the malt.