Brew Tasting On Ch.9 - Sat 8/03

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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But what actually was the commercial beer that was in the judging?
The judges {quote- from "}"......"could hardly tell the difference between the home brews and a commercial beer".
Which commercial beer was that?

I'm still not sure how I felt about the piece. I guess it was nice for a change not to see a "which is better" approach HB vs. Commercial, but when you break the story down it sort of peaked on the "were the judges right?" rather than anything really about the quality of the beer.
The whole thing went nowhere.
But I ask again- what was the commercial beer in the test?

I didn't think the item changed the world, but it wasn't terrible.

I think if two people who know their beer had some issues identifying HB and BOP from commercial stuff, it may make those who still imagine HB as it once was consider getting into the hobby.

It showed that there are options beyond megaswill for beer lovers.

If Brennan and the BJCP judge had got into the nitty gritty of judging the beers, many viewers would have turned off. I know plenty who love a beer, but not many who know (or care) what a fruity ester is.

Sometimes any publicity is good publicity.

Maybe we should narrow the field by listing what we know it wasn't! ;)
This might be quicker.
What was the commercial beer in the test?

I've just emailed Burleigh Brewing.

I'll pass on what I find out.


PS; What do you think it might have been?
Well, if the judges said they could hardly pick the diff. between it and homebrew, it wouldn`t want to be Powers Gold, for instance. Or similar slop.

On the other hand, if it was LCPA or Coopers Pale Ale or the like, that`s a different outcome.
That`s why I`m interested to know what the commercial tester was.

I'll wager the commercial beer and its BOP knock off were nothing like the HB. I'll also wager that the HB was a better beer than the other two. Fresh wort, dry hopped, good yeast, I'll assume mothballs brewed it, its gonna turn out great. But the fresh worts are sold (and I think they're a great product, have brewed a couple myself) as a style, not as a brand. The BOP's mainly seem to be trying to clone a product out there, so I think the HB was the odd one out in the test. They were probably putting the amarillo ale up against a corona clone or something silly like that.....
yeah but they didn`t actually SAY on the program what the commercial beer being tested was, did they?
If they did, I missed it.

So they could tell the difference between a MGD and an Amarillo ale. Wow. Great palates those guys have! :rolleyes:
From one of the judges- Burleigh Brewing.
Can`t get a better source than that. :D

No wonder they thought that beer had some issues :rolleyes: