Brew Making Bloated

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So far my brews have turned really good BUT for 1 problem.
After having just 2 long necks or stubbies I get really bloated in the stomach.
I drink my brews from schooner glasses, making sure I leave the sediment in the bottles.
Can anyone help, is there anything I can add to my brews to ease this feeling.

I'm using Coopers enhance 2 in my brews.
coopers Carbonation drops when bottling.
Rather than adding something, I recommend you stop adding something - Brew enhancer 2 is loaded with maltodextrin. This always gives my belly an uncomfortable feeling. Try using either 100% malt extract or a blend of malt extract and dextrose.
Extract beers usually have a higher finishing gravity - meaning more dextrins, meaning more body, meaning more bloat.
Postmodern is right, you could reduce the amount of maltodextrin.
You can also add more water to the next brew, making it thinner (and lower in alcohol), or you could add Amylo 300 or equivilent and that will strip all the dextrins out and leave you with a final gravity of 1.00 - thin!!
You could also make sure you are pitching a big healthy amount of yeast, that will also help you get full fermentation.
Brew enhancer 2 is loaded with maltodextrin.

Oh damn. I just bought some of this as it was what Coopers recommended on their Mexican Cervesa can.
malto dex can be quite interesting. Ive only used in 3 brews.
1 the recipe called for it
2 because i had nothing else to use, didnt want to wait for bettter ingredients, its cheaper than better ingredients.
3 another recipe called for it but it was only 200g in 23L

1st - now with aging, its has a slightly greasy mouthfeel as opposed to full mouth feel (I know PoMo hates this particular trait of Maltodex)
2. great result but there was again only about 200g in 23L and lots of LDME, DDME and lagered for ages.
3. havent tastes yet. but given that it was in a stout with an OG of around 1.12 it wont be noticable.

im not sold on maltodex and wont be using it (unless im brewing cheap stuff for freeloaders). Plus im doing extracts and specialty grains etc and you dont need to use maltodex.

a corona clone (if thats what your after) shouldnt realy have maltodex as its a bodyenhancer and corona is pretty thin
On a different tangent...I, like very many (undiagnosed) people are mildly grain intolerant. This means you feel bloated when you eat a stack of grain food, but funnily enough, you won't pick up on this unless you do a detox and eliminate grains for a few weeks (just meat and veg). When you reintroduce grains you soon realise what they are doing. If you have ever have a swollen belly, when lying down, you are either obese or have some form of intestinal irritation. For the food/liquid to pass through, the walls have to expand to accommodate it, hence the small pot belly, even when you are very very fit.
I limit my beer, and have nights off, otherwise it leaves me bloated and lethargic. I suppose it's all about balance. It's very inconvenient to live a grain free life, so you have to be sensible.
Now this may have nothing to do with your problem, but if you feel bloated on All Grain or other beers, then it may be a possible factor.
I agree the issue may be the 'dex' in the beer. once i stepped away from Kit brewing, more importantly using the glorious Brewcraft 'Brew improvers' (more like bloating, cider imparting, money wasting flavour destroyers!)

Go all malt, sure you go from spending $30 on a brew to $35-40 for 23L of brew but it will make your beer.

A. Taste like beer.
B. Do away with all that iceing sugar they call quality brewing sugars.
C. Take you 1 step closer to doing partials by going 'all malt'.

Best decision i ever made was to go from KIT + KILO to EXTRACT ONLY.

The only time I recommend dextrose is for priming to ensure your yeast has its final kick if its completly attenuated and you dont have the inverse of a bottle bomb. Every other day I happily use DME as primer im not home brewing to save $$ but to make a superior brew over the local 'tramps piss' we are subject to on every other day.

Trust me. Go all malt, you wont be happier (unless your a celiac). :D

(apologies for the rant)
I find that I have a few problems with some of the varying yeasts, ( good old cleansing ales). I have found that having some sort or probiotic drink/pill seems to stop the bloated feeling and decreases the number of farts down to a more acceptable level ( that is more accetptable level to me not the other half who thinks one is one too many).
( Probably way too much info !!)
Oh damn. I just bought some of this as it was what Coopers recommended on their Mexican Cervesa can.

In itself, CBE 2 isn't a 'bad ' product. I found out a long time ago that both the kit you use and the CBE 2 have dextrins. Solution - don't use all the bag in one kit beer. If making beer for the boys (ignorant swines they are) use 500g dextrose, 500g DME and 350g (one third of bag sounds better) of the CBE 2. Works out about 4.5% alcohol and means they drink the cheap brew while I drink my more extensive efforts. Better than just kit and kg of table sugar, which most of previously mentioned ignorant swines make.
:icon_offtopic: :
This always gives my belly an uncomfortable feeling.

Do you reckon that if get Bali Belly in Bali, do you get Bulli Belly in Wollongong ???? :icon_drunk:



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