Well-Known Member
I too used to buy all my stuff from Brewcraft untill I found out about Craftbrewer and G&G, the only decent people I have spoken to at Brewcraft in Melb are Hamish and the lady that does the paperwork for the internet orders, top people, the rest are just plain unhelpful. I will add though that even upon my first trip to G&G one bloke there was very "whatever" with me, next time I went there Chris was much more helpful and actually wanted to serve me. I guess the other bloke must of had his rags that day :icon_cheers: or is just a plain knob
I've found Chris to be very enthusiastic (the 3 times I have been there).. Doesn't know everything about everything (nobody does), but he's the first to try and help you.
Also +1 for Dave at Greensborough HB. Makes a great pilsner!