After a lengthy consultation with two Electricians on the best way to deal with the 15A requirement for the 50lt BM, I gave mine a water test run today.
I added 55lt of water & set about programming the unit. I was a little stumped at first working it out but it wasn't too bad to figure out.
I set it for a 40deg mash in, 52deg rest for 5mins, 63deg for 35mins, 73deg for 35mins & 78deg for 10mins. Boil for 90mins & added some hop additions in there as well. As expected it performed flawlessly & maintained temps extremely well. The beeping sound is a nice feature telling you when to add your hops.
The boil was very gentle, very much like my Urn & if you come from running a 32jet Mongolian to boiling on one of these, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were simmering a poached egg. It is definitely boiling, just a nice gentle rolling boil. I would assume the boil will be a tad different boiling wort rather than just water as the wort should be thicker in consistency ( I assume ? )
Looking forward to doing my first real run shortly & if you are considering getting one of these units, go for it, they are amazing.