OK, thanks Dicko,dicko said:BTW please ignore the "Strike Water Temp" figure and the "Strike Water Litres" as this is not really applicable with the BM and I don't know why the strike water is more than the total water required.
I will go further into it when I get more time.
Awesome thanks Dicko and for the explaination as to how you use the program to get your water levels and desired efficiencies.dicko said:Here is a bigger pic...a little easier to read
What's your mill set at Dicko?
Dickodicko said:Guys, that grain absorption figure is as important as the boil off figures for calculating the recipe. My absorption figures changed when I changed my mill gap so just make notes and adjust as you go along.
The grain absorption can be determined by knowing the exact volume of water you started with and then measuring the exact pre boil figure you have after the mash and the sparge.
If you go back through this topic you will see a dip stick I made for the job
Brewing a very Hoppy american IPA (Mosiac and Simcoe). Hoping for a OG of 1.060 with 75 % efficiency.zoigl said:Good luck Mick, I hope all goes well. What are you brewing?
What is the min grain bill the 20ltr BM can take?
The manual states between 4-5 kg (I know others have proven it can take more for bigger beers), is 4kg really okay?
Great result on your first one Mick, congrats!!Mick Gramoit said:First Brew could not have gone any more smoothly, finished with a OG of 1.061 but with a efficiency of 84% (I got about 3 litres more than I anticipated). Will be brewing a lot more regularly with this bad boy.
The smallest beer I have done is a midstrength with 3.45kg of grain with no worries.paulmclaren11 said:What is the min grain bill the 20ltr BM can take?
The manual states between 4-5 kg (I know others have proven it can take more for bigger beers), is 4kg really okay?
I'm regularly doing a 3.0% mild ale with 3.14 kg and end with 24L in the fermenter at 1.032 OG ( includes 100g sucrose )paulmclaren11 said:What is the min grain bill the 20ltr BM can take?
The manual states between 4-5 kg (I know others have proven it can take more for bigger beers), is 4kg really okay?
Yes mate, I am using the same volume as for any other beer I do....25 litre batch sizepaulmclaren11 said:With these smaller grain bills are you still using ~25l for the mash plus sparge?