Bottle Priming With Dextrose

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did my first dextrose bottle prime last night instead of normal sugar{don't know if thats a good thing or not} and every stubbie i filled frothed up over the top and not wanting to waste too much of the precious gold liquid all the bottles only filled to the start of the neck.without bulk priming is there any way of filling without it frothing over,or is bulk the only way to go with all dextrose... :rolleyes:
I bulk prime with dextrose and never had this happen. I would need to know more details to determine what went wrong, as something has gone wrong.
1- Did u bulk prime. ie rack the "FULLY FERMENTED" wort (beer) into another fermenter/bucket on top of the dextrose & hot water mix?
2- What was the FG?
3- What was the beer u brewed and how much dex was used?

SJW said:
I bulk prime with dextrose and never had this happen. I would need to know more details to determine what went wrong, as something has gone wrong.
1- Did u bulk prime. ie rack the "FULLY FERMENTED" wort (beer) into another fermenter/bucket on top of the dextrose & hot water mix?
2- What was the FG?
3- What was the beer u brewed and how much dex was used?


hey stepen
i did'nt bulk prime i bottle primed would that be the problem i was brewing a morgans stockmans draft and fg was 1014 after 11 days of fermenting,i just used the normal sugar measuring scoop i use to bottle prime..
If you want to bottle prime with dextrose , you may like to dissolve the 180 grams dextrose in water and make up to 150 ml . Then add 1 teaspoon ( 5 ml) over 30 longnecks.( maybe up to 160ml a bit more to make sure you have enough)

never had the froth problem as I bulk prime .

You may get the froth because of the greater surface area of the fine dextrose and incorporate more air ???

I believe dextrose priming gives a better head
Hey OCC,

This happened on my first (and only) bottle primed batch.
If you fill the bottles up slowly the amount of foaming up becomes minimal.

My first few bottles, i filled quite quickly and it foamed up and out really quick but the more bottles i filled, the less they foamed up as there was not as much pressure from the fermenter, therefore slower flowing beer into the bottles.

But i'd recommend bulk priming as you get a more consistantly primed batch and it's less fart arseing around IMO
i think i might just go with bulk priming from now on so thanx for your imput boyz......
Sorry OCC, I had to do some work today, but what they all said sounds good. Just get another fermenter and bulk prime. Problem solved.
Once you buy another fermenter you can then go into racking .

Racking and bulk priming makes for better beer
ah bugger it i'll buy 2 fermenters up the production but dose anyone know a good marriage counsellor cause i already spend most of my life in the shed. i don't know how much longer the excuse of "but i'm saving money honey" is gunna work.....
you could always try and brew something for the missus!

Ginger beer or a cider :excl:
Bulk priming is the way to go.

Just make sure you add the sugar after you've added the beer and give it a good stir or you'll get a big heap of sugar in your tap and the first bottle will be overprimed.
If you dissolve your sugar in a measuring jug in hot water first, let cool then pour into your clean empty second fermenter and then rack on top of this you wont get undissolved sugar in your tap. Making sure that the tube is coiled at the bottom to make a whirlpool effect which circulates the solution evenly through the beer when its transferring. Give that a try - works good.
Could not of said it better myself Steve.
sounds good sam on the cider or ginger beer thing for da missus how hard or different is that to brew ?????????
only up to about my 10th brew so still only gettin use too the standard extract and hops brew... :blink:
Most HBS will have kits for Ginger Beer and Cider.

You can make Ginger beer from scratch and I'm pretty sure there are recipes on this forum for it (just punch "ginger beer" in the search box)

I haven't actually made one yet but have an ESB Cider kit there which purpose is to get my better half interested in brewing.

The kits are pretty much like any other kit from what i've gathered. Essentially just pour it all in and add water.

On the weekend she discovered Hoegaarden so looks like when my AG set-up is finished i'll be having a crack at a couple of those :D

You could also find some Cider recipes (using ingredients like apple concentrate/juice + a few other goodies + yeast) on the forum too by using the search function.

have fun!
i'm pretty stoked on those esb kits i just did my first one on friday a bav wheat all is bubbling away fine so if the cider is just as easy looks like i'll be spending a bit more time in the shed an da missus will be join me.. you make a pretty good marriage counsellor it just a win-win situation.......
OCC said:
did my first dextrose bottle prime last night instead of normal sugar{don't know if thats a good thing or not} and every stubbie i filled frothed up over the top and not wanting to waste too much of the precious gold liquid all the bottles only filled to the start of the neck.without bulk priming is there any way of filling without it frothing over,or is bulk the only way to go with all dextrose... :rolleyes:
I see that you have had lots of good advice and proably bulk priming is the way to go. However, I've been bottle priming wiht dextrose for two years now. It's a bit like pulling a beer from a tap. If you just pour it in it will froth! To avoid this pour down the side of the bottle or better yet use one of those long valve attachments on the end of the tap. This device delivers the beer to the bottom of the bottle and is much gentler than a simple tap pour.
CHEERS flagg i'm acually bulk priming now but i will use that method when i get lazy and don't clean the pail i prime in. and welcome to the fun & games on da forum.. :beer:

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