Book Giveaway

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hey everyone recently bought two books off ebay which arrived today. One of which I already have(naturally I wanted the other one :) ).

So if anyone is prepared to pick it up I have an extra copy of "Brewing Beer at Home" by Keith Linden that I'm giving away. It's somewhat outdated but plenty of useful reading in it.

First in, first served and all that. Also if you're not sure where Ruse is, its in Campbelltown/Macarthur region. I'm not planning on posting.

Cheers David.
Might just give this a last bump in case anyone interested missed it the first time.

If not, I might try off loading it at the next "Male" get together.

Cheers, David.
Hey mate,

If it doesnt go bring it to the next meeting. Im sure someone will take it.

Kabooby :)
Will do. Since I've come back from my little brewing break(~12months :ph34r: ) I've been meaning to catch up with everyone. Definately be there next month. I've missed pumpy the most :D .
I'll take it if noone has picked it up yet. Will be back in Oz on 21 October. So maybe the weekend following that?

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