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Major Arcana

Well-Known Member
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Perth, Wandi
Howdy fellas,

I put down an all extract APA yesterday, doing a 10L Boil for a 19L batch not thinking ahead about cooling it down, i made up to 19L with cold cold water and the bloody thing was sitting at 34c. What i am worried about was that this was my first attempt at using a rehydrated yeast and because i had to wait like 4 bloody hours for the thing to cool down to pitching temp, i'm worried that the yeast might have been a write off and was no good after sitting there for like 5 hours? (it was covered up) I did pitch it in though, about 11:00pm last night and nothing as yet. What are your thoughts?


(Did learn a lot from this batch at the very least though)
Yeast is probably fine.

Can you detail what yeast and how you rehydrated?
Can you detail what you mean by 'nothing'? Airlock, krausen formation, dropping gravity, condensation?

Main drama with leaving wort for any length of time is that bacteria and other, non brewing yeasts may get time to grow and infect the wort. If the wort was covered and your yeast healthy you'll likely have no issue, depending on airborne micro-organisms at your place.

Currently, I would relax a little and see how it is tonight - not a lot of time between now and 11pm last night, certainly not enough to worry unduly.
G'day Manticle,

Yes i rehydrated US-05 in 100ml of 30c water, that water was previously boiled of course, then i covered it up swirling it every half hour to an hour, but like i said because i had to wait for the wort to cool down (the wort in the FV was covered 95%) it was approximitely 5 hours till i was able to pitch it.

I will check it again after work this afternoon, she might have kicked in.

What i am ****** about is that i did a 10L boil completely forgetting about the cooling of the wort etc, then having to wait 4-5 hours before pitching!.... Never again lol
Major Arcana said:
G'day Manticle,

Yes i rehydrated US-05 in 100ml of 30c water, that water was previously boiled of course, then i covered it up swirling it every half hour to an hour, but like i said because i had to wait for the wort to cool down (the wort in the FV was covered 95%) it was approximitely 5 hours till i was able to pitch it.

I will check it again after work this afternoon, she might have kicked in.

What i am ****** about is that i did a 10L boil completely forgetting about the cooling of the wort etc, then having to wait 4-5 hours before pitching!.... Never again lol
Only a small mistake mate. If thats the only thing that went wrong I'd be stoked!! :p

I have done that before and everything was fine in the end.
if you can, consider using an 'ice bath' method of cooling your wort. fill up a bathtub or laundry sink with cold water, then dump a bunch of ice in. i've also filled up a bunch of soft drink bottles and kept them in the freezer, then plonked them in too. it helps get the temp down a lot faster. that way you'll have your cold water dilution AND the ice bath. might give you the extra 10 or so degrees you need.

EDIT: this is of course, if you don't have a chilling method, or don't want to no-chill. no-chilling works a treat too.
G'day Manticle,

Yes i rehydrated US-05 in 100ml of 30c water, that water was previously boiled of course, then i covered it up swirling it every half hour to an hour, but like i said because i had to wait for the wort to cool down (the wort in the FV was covered 95%) it was approximitely 5 hours till i was able to pitch it.

I will check it again after work this afternoon, she might have kicked in.

What i am ****** about is that i did a 10L boil completely forgetting about the cooling of the wort etc, then having to wait 4-5 hours before pitching!.... Never again lol
Nothing in that to suggest the yeast would cark it. I reckon you'll have a happy brew by this time tomorrow, if not earlier.
manticle said:
Nothing in that to suggest the yeast would cark it. I reckon you'll have a happy brew by this time tomorrow, if not earlier.
Crisis averted, got home yesterday arvo to see a nice krausen and a loudly flappin airlock, happy days sitting constant at 20c at the moment might try bring her down a couple of degrees and dry hop in a weeks time. Thanks for the info fellas! :icon_cheers:
Cooling the wort is one of the biggest challenges for going all-extract. It's easy to chuck a litre of boiling water into a kit can and cool with 20 litres of tap water.

From a heat transfer viewpoint, one KG of ice can remove about 10 times the amount of hat that one litre of water at 0 deg C will remove.

Last week when I was similarly unprepared with no ice ready I popped the FV on top of a bag of frozen corn. Anything to suck out the heat.
If you use purchased ice from the servo NEVER let it get into your wort, it's not necessarily clean.

But in your case a quick bag of ice from the servo in the laundry tub with the FV would have cooled things faster.
RobboMC said:
Cooling the wort is one of the biggest challenges for going all-extract. It's easy to chuck a litre of boiling water into a kit can and cool with 20 litres of tap water.

From a heat transfer viewpoint, one KG of ice can remove about 10 times the amount of hat that one litre of water at 0 deg C will remove.

Last week when I was similarly unprepared with no ice ready I popped the FV on top of a bag of frozen corn. Anything to suck out the heat.
If you use purchased ice from the servo NEVER let it get into your wort, it's not necessarily clean.

But in your case a quick bag of ice from the servo in the laundry tub with the FV would have cooled things faster.
G'day RobboMC,

Your right mate, that bag of ice would definitely have helped out tremendously, sticking to 6-8L boil volumes is the way for me at the moment, im not sure if I would even be attempting to put ice in to the fermentor, even if the container was sanitised etc, I would think it would give of some bad plastic tastes yeah?

I have a Samsung fridge that has in ice maker. I've used the ice in just about all myl brews without any problems. The water is filtered and the ice is stored up the top of the freezer so doesn't get dirty or contaminated from food.

"touch wood"
Dunno if I just lucked out but I used servo/Bottlo ice in almost all my kit and extract brews and never had a prob.
First brew I ever did I spilt a whole bag of ice on the kitchen a panic I just scooped up a load off the manky floor and lobbed it in, shittest batch I've ever made, but wasn't infected...haha!
A big high five for the sanitising effects of the fermentation process. Way back a few centuries ago the masses worked out that drinking low abv beer was better for your overall health than drinking the dirty water they had available. Our modern sanitation system in Australia allows us the luxury of drinking tap water.

Purchased ice is probably Ok for most things, but if someone drops a cigarette butt or something into the mix they are probably not bothering to get it out. better safe than sorry with your precious wort.
I often put my fermenter in an ice bath to rapid cool , if needed...

However, my preference is to avoid the need to cool in the first place.

When doing extract, I use a small amount of dried malt to relative portion of water, say about 4 liters to make a gravity of about 1040. I then boil my hops in this liquid for correct hop utilisation.

The liquid malt can then simply be dumped in the fermenter, use the hot liquor as mentioned previously to mix, then fill up to 23 litres.

No different to how you mix kit and kilo in fermenter with a litre or so of boiling water.

Works well for me... And I don't need to worry about chilling.

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