I bottled 20 stubbies of fairly carbonated Belgians last night with my Blichmann Beer Gun.
First real use 'in anger', I'd only done a fizzy messy disastrous test run previously.
And I have to say it was a total success.
My tips were -
1. read the instructions! I didn't drop my serving pressure before, this made a massive difference!
2. Up your carbonation levels in days before bottling - will lose some fizz, so I'm hopeful this should offset it.
3. Chill the bottles and gun before filling.
4. Have something to rest the gun in between fills, and a tray under the bottling area to catch your ullage.
5. Always be firm with the beer fill trigger. Straight on. Straight Off.
Once I got going, found it very easy.
Grab bottle. Insert Gun. Flush CO2, Begin Fill (45 degrees). Raise bottle to flat. Fill to brim (tiny bit of foaming over). Pause. Remove gun. Flush headspace with CO2. Clunk., click. Cap on.
The fact you can 'hold' the bottle by sticking the gun in it really helped. Flushing before and the headspace felt like a winner.
In bottling 20, I maybe lost 100ml to ullage.
Foaming was minimal. All bottles are filled perfectly with around 1" uniform headspace.
I would think these will last as long as needed, unlike a tap/growler fill (which has its merits), proof will be in the drinking of them.
All in all, it was fiddly to get started/get a system - as bottling always is in my experience - but once you're set, I'm loving it.