Bleach No Rinse Smell

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Hi guys, I've just gotten back into brewing recently and have decided to use the no rinse bleach/vineger formula mentioned in various posts to sanitise. Now, it's bottling day and I've given my bottles a good run through the solution, left them to dry and upon returning noticed that I can still smell a hint of chlorine. Is this normal? If I bottle my beer will the aroma end up smelling like the local indoor swimming pool? Should I give them a rinse in warm water to be sure? Thanks guys.
Give em a rinse in hot water if your worried about the smell. I usually sanitise just before I bottle with starsan "no rinse" under $20 and is no fuss. Works a treat IMO!
well if you rinse them it will negate the "no rinse" thing. but dammed if i would be bottling with a chlorine smell/taste. I'd rinse them this once as long as they are clean to get rid of that smell. Then go buy yourself a bottle of Starsan from one of the site sponsers for next time, best no rinse ever and cheap too imo.
I've never had issues with it...

What dilution rates are you using? 1.6mL/L?
Thanks for the help guys. I did make the solution at 1.6ml/1L so I'm not sure what went wrong. Will look at getting myself a bottle of Starsan.
I used it for ages....

That said, I have some iodophor in my next order.
Same here I use 15ml to 9L of water easier to measure.

I can detect a very faint bleach scent but never had any taste problems that I can detect.

Some tap water has a more distinct chlorine taste even tea tastes chemical. :icon_vomit:

I keep meaning to order some Iodophor my local LHBS only has Sodium Metabisulphate.
That is what I was picking up, just a faint smell of it but it was enough to send me to panic stations.

Rightfully so too. Chlorine in beer yetch! :icon_vomit:

Starsan lasts for ages 1.5ml in 1lt of water goes a loooonnggg way.
Funny the Starsan maker spends a lot of time on Bleach/Vinegar use in the Podcast broadcast on sanitation.

Take a mouthful of the bleach/vinegar no rinse solution see if you can taste anything.

Sorry cannot find the links for that podcast now.
I did listen to that podcast and found it quite interesting and also quite weird considering I thought he'd be plugging his own product more.

I didn't take a mouthful of it, but I did try a few drops and it seemed quite neutral to me. I could not detect a noticeable chlorine or vinegar taste??

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