Hi David,
Any more news on the comp? Is it still going ahead?
Cheers, Duane.
Howdy..ls there a comp this year? I cant find any information anywhere...
edit: I just rang and asked them about it, and they said there isn't one this year, and they even swore to me there definitely wasn't one last year... but this thread leads me to believe otherwise. hmm..
Sammus - there was no 'official' competition last year due to the actions of the NSW Brewers Guild (or at least someone on their executive). Pulled out support at the last moment and left us high and dry.
The B&T event itself has got bigger and the HAG brewers are getting more involved in running info sessions and serving beer - etc.
But more about that later.
Did I miss the results of the comp? Anyone point me the right direction.
Top Twister Results
The final round of judging has been completed at the Bitter & Twisted beer competition. Results and score sheets are being collated and will be returned to entrants this week. The overall standards of the beers entered was very high, particularly with the following category winners:
A. Trent Maier
B. Greg Stephens
C. Max Plank
D. Trent Maier
E. Scott Simpson
F. David Jenkins
G. David Jenkins
H. Trent Maier
I. Trent Maier
J. Graham & Kelly Eyres
The above beers were submitted to a Best of Show round and the winners were:
Best of Show: Scott Simpson - Australian Pale Ale
1st Runner Up: Trent Maier - Klsch
2nd RunnerUp: David Jenkins - RIS
Congrats to all winners
i think what he wants is the full results ie so we can see where we ended up in the field.HI DK,
Dave had posted them in a parellel thread here;
Hope this helps,
Dave had posted them in a parellel thread here;
i think what he wants is the full results ie so we can see where we ended up in the field.
Then we tried Docs Mindwarp at the Potters stand. Man, what a beer! We all loved it and ended up going back for more and more. Def. my favourite for the show, great beer Doc, well done. Now give me the bloody recipe so i can at least try to make something half as good!
The Mindwarp at Potters was the stand-out beer there but was very dissapointed with the turn out of beer stalls.