Bits And Pieces Pilsner Recipe Help Needed

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Afternoon all,

I've got a Coopers Pilsner Tin which I want to try and am looking for a recipe which will allow me to use up some other stuff laying around.

I plugged the following in to Ianh's spreadsheet and it appears to fit the profile of American Pilsner nicely but want to get real opinions too:

1 tin Coopers Pilsner
1 tin Coopers light malt extract
200g Crystal
200g dextrose

I have 25g of saaz which I need to use, but also have a new pack of hallertau which I have never used before. I was thinking of just using all the saaz in a 20 min boil which bring the IBUs up to level while providing a bit of flavour. Could a do a hop blend with these two, say, bittering with the hallertau and late/dry hopping the saaz?

Any suggestions gratefully received!
I reckon what you have looks fine, though I would knock the crystal back a bit, maybe 100g at most. or leave out..just personal taste.
Maybe you could add a small late addition of hallertau, 6-8 gms at 5mins for a little extra flavour to add to the softness of the saaz without any real bitterness added.
I reckon what you have looks fine, though I would knock the crystal back a bit, maybe 100g at most. or leave out..just personal taste.
Maybe you could add a small late addition of hallertau, 6-8 gms at 5mins for a little extra flavour to add to the softness of the saaz without any real bitterness added.

Thanks Yum.

The crystal adds some body and sugars, is that right? So it may get to "thick" for a Pilsner?
I too have a tin of the coopers pilsner to use up, for once I am going to try and stick fairly closely to the recommendations on the tin.

coopers pilsner
1kg dry pilsen malt - or light dry malt, I am just using the pilsen malt because I have it on hand.
250g carahell
125g carapils
S-198 yeast
25 litres

I was tempted to add another noble hop but decided to stick with just the saaz, apparently it is what coopers use for this kit and I haven't used it myself yet so I am keen to try it on its own. I'm not trying to up the bitterness much so I figured a 5min addition would be enough for just a bit of flavour / aroma.

I'm not sure how much body the carahell & carapils will add, but I prefer a thicker beer anyway so I'm not going to be adding any dex to try to thin it. As yum beer says how much you decide to add is down to personal taste. I may be adding too much for the style, but I can always use less should I do this brew again.

I'm also going to use S-189 swiss lager yeast and I'll be doing this brew next month when it will be easier for me to keep the temp down. That said, the yeast that comes with the coopers pilsner is supposedly a real lager yeast as this is the only kit in their range that has special instructions to keep the temp low. However the problem is that they still only give you 7g of it and lots of advice suggests using double the normal pitching quantity, so depending what temp you plan to ferment at you may want to get some more or use a clean ale yeast like US-05.

So really the only suggestion I have for your planned brew would be to skip the hallertau and stick with just the Saaz at whatever bitterness you are aiming for. If you are after a bit of aroma maybe split it so you have 5g to dry hop?
1 tin Coopers Pilsner
1 tin Coopers light malt extract
200g Crystal
200g dextrose

Any suggestions gratefully received!
Pretty much exactly what I plan to brew soon

What sort of crystal is it ?
I used some med crystal in a pale ale recently and it does add a fair amount of colour to the brew.
So it turned it into a golden ale really.
Looking at the craftbrewer website even the pale crystal is 90-110 EBC which is only a little less than the med (140-160)

Maybe use Carapils like ploto said as it is supposed to add head retention & body and it only has an EBC of 3-5 so it wouldn't add hardly any colour to the final product.
So I went ahead with my initial recipe (thanks to all who replied) just to see what it was like and put in both Saaz and Hellertau hops. Smelled great going into the fermenter. It's been at about 14C since pitching and I tried it last night for the first time.

It was .... unusual. Tasted a bit like performing cunnilingus on a lawnmower catcher, but I can see that softening a lot to something really nice. Will keep all posted!
I had this fermenting for four weeks then transferred to a cube for cold conditioning. it has been in the fridge at about 2C for a further 4 weeks or so. Is there any limit to how long I should keep it in the fridge cold conditioning?
No limit really. The longer you leave it, the cleaner it will become and the more yeast etc will drop out.

If too much yeast drops out, you may need to add a bit back in if bottle carbing.

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