Happy Birthday Doc and Deebee, and for the other day GMK, Ozbrew and Chieftan. Busy month for the birthdays. I'll have a pint or two of Amber tonight in your honours.
Thanks for the eloquent contribution as always, Seth. Cheers to everyone else. And a very happy birthday to you Doc.
My birthday present will be a little brewing shopping spree. Will probably buy the bits to make my esky tun and wort chiller this weekend. Just discovered that my wife salvaged all the copper piping out of her Dad's old house before it got knocked down and never told me about it!! My 43 litre esky is almost ready for an upgrade so the tun and wort chiller problems are almost solved. I'm sure there will be enough birthday money left over for a big pot
Happy birthday gents, sounds like you're celebrating in style.
And my theory as to why there are so many birthday this time of year is simple: subtract 9 months, and you end up in july/august, all those cold nights in the middle of winter, and nothing good on TV.
Happy birthday to Doc & DeeBee.
I saw that Austrian place as I was driving home the other day, will have to give it a try. Also need to visit the German restuarant at West Gordon sooner rather than later.