Biblical Scale Disaster

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Guys, huge thank-you to all the brewerhood for all your offers of support and help over the last few days. We lost everything downstairs including the new bar and a lot of brewing gear. Covered by insurance so Ross will be getting plenty of business from suncorp. We are hurting but at least we are alive and have lots of support. Will post a decent account plus photos when I get to a real computer! Cheers Snow.

A bugger to lose that bar setup and the rest mate, still it could have been worse. Good to see you're keeping a positive attitude, we'll have to tee-up another lunch at the Brewhouse once you're back on your feet.
Guys, huge thank-you to all the brewerhood for all your offers of support and help over the last few days. We lost everything downstairs including the new bar and a lot of brewing gear. Covered by insurance so Ross will be getting plenty of business from suncorp. We are hurting but at least we are alive and have lots of support. Will post a decent account plus photos when I get to a real computer! Cheers Snow.

Good onions Snow! When you're up to it (and my office is open again :rolleyes: ) i'll help you "work things out" if you like ...

(ahem... Platform ... ahem :eek: ;) )

I felt like a right bastard taking photos, so i left the camera at home. But I did take a few with the phone. (Somehow Pete managed to get into two of them without me even noticing)

Tim's house (note the tide mark).

Out the back of the warehouse/factory we cleaned out. The pile is all the ruined stock.

Pete and his magic broom out the front

We didn't really think about safety at the weekend, just got into it. A colleague today told me of a friend of hers who was cleaning out his own warehouse when a sheet of glass fell and sliced a section of his calf muscle off :eek:
Went to work this morning and am happy to report I was very impressed with my company (boeing aust.) They gathered us all around first thing and told us about all our workmates who had been affected and that they had a team of employees that went out on fri, sat and sun helping them with the clean up. Then they asked if anyone else was having troubles that got missed out on and if they needed help with clean up accomodation or anything. I believe they are going to put a team together to go out an help out during work hours for which I will be volunteering.


All you guys are champs.

Sorry I couldn't assist directly as busy elsewhere, but thoughts and prayers for all.

Knee deep at West End tomorrow.
Hopefully power up for the area by the arvo.
It appears our site is the first in the sequence from the supply transformer and everything is fried, so with us still under water no one gets a spark until we're sorted and dry then generator can fire up for others.
Fingers crossed.

Went to work this morning and am happy to report I was very impressed with my company (boeing aust.) They gathered us all around first thing and told us about all our workmates who had been affected and that they had a team of employees that went out on fri, sat and sun helping them with the clean up. Then they asked if anyone else was having troubles that got missed out on and if they needed help with clean up accomodation or anything. I believe they are going to put a team together to go out an help out during work hours for which I will be volunteering.


Nice one Boeing. A company like that generates a mass of good will with action such as this. And nice one Browndog. You're a legend.
Nice one Boeing. A company like that generates a mass of good will with action such as this.

To counter the recent events that grounded a number of Qantas planes? :p
Best thing I've done for my own mental health in a long time. Hope it helped enough. More to do, so there's another visit on the cards.

I've got to thank Mrs InCider. I told her what I was going to do - leave her with the 3 weans all weekend - when she should have got a break from the 6 weeks of wet school holidays experience and she said yes. No question at all. I think she deserves some 'InCider attention' don't you think? :lol:

Brewerhood Mobile Sanitation Station.
My work is going to donate $10,000, that's pretty impressive I reckon.

They are also giving people 2 days paid leave to help out if they want.

Once my work restorations quiet down, I will take these days & do some more I think.

Incider, agree totally, good for the soul mate :D
How altruistic of them.

Negative gearing. Not as lucrative nowadays with lower taxes than the 90s and less bracket creep. Yes that's right, you may feel hard done by nowadays but hop in your time machine and see what proportion of the average wage was paid in tax in the 80s and 90s.

Negative gearing. Not as lucrative nowadays with lower taxes than the 90s and less bracket creep. Yes that's right, you may feel hard done by nowadays but hop in your time machine and see what proportion of the average wage was paid in tax in the 80s and 90s.

Yep, Mrs Hatchy rents her place out for $200/week but pays over $1200/month for the mortgage I reckon. If it was my decision she'd sell the place but she wants to keep it.

Back on topic, it doesn't look like we're going to get up there next week. We could spend $400 on airfares to get up there & back & could stay with my sister in Newmarket but we're thinking that we'll donate the $400 instead & stay here. I'm not sure that we'd be much help up there as neither of us have any skills that are likely to be useful.
My work is going to donate $10,000, that's pretty impressive I reckon.

They are also giving people 2 days paid leave to help out if they want.

Nice one Goldy, it's good to see the corperate world throwing in... my company has also donated 25k... alas no paid days off but that matters little to me, finishing off the inlaws place today (hopefully) and into the cousins tmoz..

damn the humidity!!

To counter the recent events that grounded a number of Qantas planes? :p
If you're talking about the A380, that's an Airbus. And the engines are Rolls Royce.

InCider. Totally agree. It wasn't the aim, but I feel really good for helping.
If anyone knows an ipswich family that have a new born and and lost stuff in the flood I have a bassinet, bouncer and clothes etc that I would love to see go to good home.

Good on everyone for helping out. The clean up is massive, I spent a day in north booval cleaning up a mates parents house that was flooded to the ceiling.

I didn't fully grasp what it must be like to lose everything until I helped dump someone's everything on the footpath to be taken to the dump.......
I didn't fully grasp what it must be like to lose everything until I helped dump someone's everything on the footpath to be taken to the dump.......

So true. Dumping tonnes and tonnes of people's "lives" is hard. What got to me was not the fact that i was throwing out cots, kids toys, baby clothes, it was that when all the mess was gone people with a small child had to return to their empty homes.

On a lighter note though... we did come across some interesting stuff. Not to mention big plasma tvs and barfridges as far as the eye could see, but one of the piles of rubbish in front of one of the houses had a big stash of porn, dildos and all manner of sex toys :icon_chickcheers:

Got a quite a few laughs out of that one. The residents weren't in and one of the neighbours said he'd look out for them in the hope that it would be some young single blonde.

A young couple returned to the house amidst a big cheer, i think the young girl twigged and ran inside fairly swiftly. :lol:

Had a smile but felt bad at the same time. Strange mix of emotions for the time i was down there.
I've got to thank Mrs InCider. I told her what I was going to do - leave her with the 3 weans all weekend - when she should have got a break from the 6 weeks of wet school holidays experience and she said yes. No question at all. I think she deserves some 'InCider attention' don't you think? :lol:
Or a rest from it... ;)
Anyone heard from QLDKev?

Hope you get back on your feet OK Snow (and all others affected).
Anyone heard from QLDKev?

I last heard from him on 3rd January, to my understanding that was after the floods had hit up there. He said something about not many local activities going on due to the floods, but he seemed not to be affected at that point.
The company my wife works for, Flight Centre, has just chipped in a minimum of $2 million to the relief appeal. Based on bookings between now and the end of February they will donate $10 for every booking, with average bookings nationally through Flight Centre around 50,000 per week. The staff will then contribute some more. Hopefully it will see the total get close to $3 million by the end of next month :beerbang:
A young couple returned to the house amidst a big cheer, i think the young girl twigged and ran inside fairly swiftly. :lol:

Ya gotta keep a sence of humour eh? :p

spent the day cleaning out the Inlaws shed and falling in love with Gurney's.. oh how I love the gurney.. the father in law had a friend drop off a gen. and a high pressure gurney so the clean up is goin well.. another day at his place then off to the uncles place... then to.. well whoever needs it the most I guess
Hope the nasty storm on its way through isn't making things worse:

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