Best (non Alcoholic) Ginger Beer

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I am wondering if anyone has a great non-alcoholic ginger beer recipe?

preferable k&k for the ease.


Mick C

Edit: oh yes and I plan to keg it...
This is seriously good ginger beer froma damn good brewer. I have tasted this one so I can attest to how good it is. It does have chilli but you can leave that out, personally I would leave it as it just sits in the back ground and works wonders with the ginger bite.

It didn't take me too long to find the recipe in my notes, so here goes...

GG's GB Recipe 11/1/2009

  • 1 x Morgans Ginger Beer Kit
  • 1 x 500g Fresh ginger
  • 1 x 250g DARK Brown Sugar
  • 1 x 1kg dextrose
  • 1 x 750ml Buderum Ginger Refresher Cordial
  • 1 x fresh chilli (sliced thinly with the seeds in)
  • ~600ml Sweet Vermouth
  • ~600ml Sweet Sherry
  • ~30ml Lochan Ora
Grated the ginger and soaked in a bowl with equal parts of Sweet Sherry, Sweet Vermouth & Lochan Ora for 24 hours. Combined the GB kit, brown sugar, dex and refresher cordial in 3L boiling water in the fermenter and stirred, then added the grated ginger soak (alcohol & all), added the sliced chilli and topped up to 23L. SG 1.048. Let the fermenter stand overnight while the yeast starter worked its treat, and pitched the following morning. FG 22/1/2008 0.996 Alc/Vol : 7.0%

I like this because it is overloaded with ginger bite. It had a real fortified complexity when I tried the first bottle of this brew two weeks after bottling, which has since faded into the background more progressively as the brew has aged. It still has a real kick to it though. I drank 2 1/2 longnecks of this GB with Vietnamese on Thursday night, and while it started to get heavy going towards the end it was a good accompaniment to the noodle soups we had. It would also go a treat with a sweet chilli stirfry IMHO.

I used the following recipe as the basis for my GB. It was posted in another thread, and I didn't make a note of who put this on AHB, but it also seems like a tops recipe...

My Ginger Beer recipe has taken me a while to get good and i love gingery bite!!
Its a K&K tho so i hope its ok to post it here...

1 x Coopers Ginger Beer (or morgans but i cant taste the difference just the price)
1 x 500g Fresh ginger
1 x 250g DARK Brown Sugar
1 x 800g Raw Sugar (or dex or brewing sugar)
1 x 250g Buderum Ginger Honey
1 x 50g powdered ginger
2 x Whole cloves
4 x birds eye chillies (sliced thinly, i personally keep the seeds in)

Boil up around 3litres of water
Add in the honey, chillies
boil for 15minutes
then add the fresh and powdered ginger
boil for 15minutes
about now its smelling really tastey
add the brown sugar and the cloves
boil for 15minutes
remove from heat (i usally cover the pot with clingwrap to prevent anything unwanted getting in) let cool while preparing the fermenter
I guess the order i add things in is abit random... but it seems to work

Make the kit up as normal from here
usually ferment for around 2 weeks, bottle for around 6 weeks, but do taste one bottle at 3 weeks the ginger kick is sooooo strong! it mellows out to a nice hit at 6 weeks, by 3 months its lost most its taste imho.

Good Luck for the non alcoholic version either brew and bottle as per the kit instructions or let it ferment out and boil at 70C for 30mins or so to evaporate the alcohol?

Edit: Read Non-Alco and realised this is an alcoholic version but can be made non-alco simply.

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