Ditto about bag size. The hops should still be loose after they have swelled in the wort.
A note: Extraction of alpha acids in hot water or wort is rapid. The reason early hop additions add more bitterness than late ones is that isomerisation of alpha acids, which produces bitterness, takes more time. E.G., see the presentation by Spangler and Hopper at
Therefore, for large early additions I drop the sack in, wait until it sinks, stir for a couple minutes (be careful not to agitate the surface and cause hot-side aeration), and then remove the sack. This procedure reduces the extraction of astringency from the pellets, which can produce a noticeable effect on taste if you use large amounts of early hops, as in brewing AIPAs or using low-alpha hops to bitter pilsners or best bitters.
You can also move the used sack quickly to a bowl, spray and pour on a little cold water, let it sit and add the runoff back to the boil.