Best Hop to Lift Cascade hop Aroma

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Brew Dude
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What is your opinion of the best hop to whirlpool and dry hop to help lift Cascade, mainly focusing on aroma

Use it early, a little bitterness, a little at 10 minutes (assuming you chill) and a whack of cascade as 0 minute and dry hop.

Once dry hopped a keg with 60g odd of cascade on top of Citra as the major hop in the boil. Great APA and the single biggest reason I miss kegs.
I like the idea of Citra, I could use it as a 1:3 ratio against the Cascade so it does not take over. Amarillo I think works well with Cascade but needs to be pretty forward and changes it too much for what I'm chasing.

Obviously there is Centennial I could throw in the mix. I'm also thinking Simco and a small hit of Galaxy.
I was going to add in Galaxy.

I did a "sans-Nelson" APA, which is basically a bit of citra at 30 minutes, and equal amounts of citra, galaxy and cascade at 10, with a massive dry hop hit of cascade in the keg.
+1 Amarillo.
5-10g Nelson Sauvin at flame out works too (probably similar to Galaxy in that sense - beer MSG)
Pacifica is good too. I reckon a ratio of 2-4 Cascade: 1 Pacifica adds a light floral aroma and gives Cascade a perfumy citrus blossom effect.
I've also heard FWH with Pacific Jade adds a base of marmalade aroma that Cascade sits nicely on top of.
I've check the hop inventory (aka fridge), no Galaxy or Chinook left.
I've decided against Citra, only because I've just finished a 112L batch of Citra APA and want something different.

I've ended up with a Cascade, Simcoe and Columbus mix, equal parts for the additions. It's currently mashing.

Thanks for the ideas

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